Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning

Free Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning by Alex Andrade

Book: Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning by Alex Andrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Andrade
Tags: Zombies
her clothes.
    “My mom always said I wasn’t dead inside just got a lot of frozen parts.” She cleared her throat and looked down shrugging.
    “Still care though.” She attempted to reason.
    Petey nodded and stood up drawing her attention. He brushed the dirt off his pants and moved to the back of the car.
    “That’s good enough, I suppose.” He said.
    Alex knew he was scared of her just a little. People always were. It was just in her nature to take care of people, to protect and emotions usually got in the way of that. She hated how she was, how she appeared to be but she knew it was needed.
    “There are keys. Sorry, looks like you’re stuck with silver.” He joked darkly.
    “She’s sleeping.” Petey commented.
    Alex took a glance at the blonde sleeping in the back. She hadn’t said anything when they switched cars. Either she was able to feel the tension or she was lost in her own world. Either way Alex just shrugged and continued to drive.
    “Don’t really have a problem with that.” She said.
    Petey hummed in agreement and turned to stare out the window at the water below. He hated driving over bridges they made feel sick. Like something bad was about to happen but then again what he had just seen, Petey didn’t think it could get much worse then that.
    “How long have we been driving?” He asked.
    The silence was becoming to heavy, he felt like he couldn’t breath. Alex took a glance at the cracked clock. She wasn’t sure the time wasn’t even correct. She sat stiffly thinking about the shattered glass. “Really what is with all the glass?’ She thought.
    “About twenty minutes, give or take a few. I’m not sure.” Alex yawned.
    Petey let out another soft hum to show he had heard her. He still didn’t know what to say to her. She had been given time to process and freak out. He was sure she had done her whole ‘private’ freak out on the surface away from prying eyes. That’s what she had always done. He needed to freak out but he didn’t want to seem weak. But he wasn’t weak. Something had attacked him and tried to eat him! It was fair game to freak out. It was fair to panic and scream or something. But she didn’t.
    Why didn’t she? Why was she so inhuman sometimes? It was frustrating. He didn’t want to be irrational or emotional but he needed to be. He wanted to tell her to pull over and let him panic and rant. That’s what he planned to do but when he opened his mouth something completely different came out.
    “How many have you killed?” He asked instead.
    Alex was taken back by the question just as much as he was but unlike him, she didn’t show it. The only real sign that she had heard him was when her hands tightened on the wheel. She sucked the cut on her lip. The coppery taste seemed to ground her, made sure she was still in this time and place. Made her remember everything was real and not a dream.
    “Eight.” She answered coolly.
    “Did you know any of them?” He asked.
    “Yeah, the Robertson’s, a family that lived down the block.” She rubbed the cut on her lip with her thumb. “George Robertson, just last year got into a nasty custody battle with his ex-wife. Horrible woman. She tried to claim that him and his new wife, Amy, were unfit parents.”
    Alex didn’t know why she was giving him their life story. She supposed it was better than silence. Silence brought tension and nasty thoughts. She knew her friend needed time to deal with everything and she felt bad that she had to make him keep going. But Alex was never good at comforting, never could deal with crying or any other emotions besides anger. She thought something was wrong with her a lot of the time but her mother always said she was okay, simply a logical person. Now she started to doubt the truth of that once again. She shook her head to derail the train of thoughts.
    “Ex-wife was close to winning and taking the

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