Cowboy Payback
the field shirtless, her gorgeous, full breasts standing at attention behind that lacey purple bra, Brett somehow managed to finalize plans for tomorrow’s guests, and was now getting ready to meet the corporal for dinner. Thank the stars and stripes she’d been gone by the time he’d entered the cabin. The woman was becoming too tempting.
    As he finished his shower, his mind wandered—without permission—back to the field, and his body remembered how the woman felt clinging to him, all soft and curvy. Too bad he hadn’t been shirtless then, too. Instinct told him skin-on-skin contact would’ve been memorable.
    He gave himself a mental shake and once again, reminded himself Corporal Jennings was one of his own. His body had no right responding to her generous figure.
    A brisk drying off got his mind back to the plan. Pretending to be her fiancé in public was fine, but when they were alone, he’d drop back to Captain/Corporal mode. No room for deviation.
    Feeling better and more in control, he donned one of the few pairs of dress pants and button-down shirts he owned. He was a jeans and T-shirt type of guy. No need to get fancy on the ranch. But tonight was an exception.
    Stetson on his head, he strode out of the cabin and across the drive, picking a few spiderless wild flowers growing near the porch, knowing better than to show up empty handed. His momma had raised him better.
    With smile in place, he entered the lobby and stopped dead.
    Holy hell…ooo.
    Thumping a loud cadence, his heart jumped into his rapidly drying throat as he gazed at his stunning fake fiancée. The corporal was chatting with Mrs. Laramie and Stacy, the activity director, at the front desk, looking like…like… Damn . The woman was a grade A knockout. How did this happen? Hell . When did this happen?
    He’d never seen the morale officer with her hair loose before. He had no idea it was long enough to fall halfway down her back. Or that her blue eyes popped with all those auburn waves surrounding her delicate face.
    And her outfit. Hot damn . Brett decided then and there it had been created to drive him mad. Stark raving mad. The silky material, in cobalt blue, clung in all the right places with a fantastic dip in the neckline, showcasing her mouthwatering chest.
    The dress designer had to have been a man. That view was exactly what a red-blooded male dreamt about. Just enough creamy, rounded skin and beckoning valley showed to capture and hold a man’s attention. Not the blatant display of nudity some of the newer styles revealed. A guy, at least this guy , preferred an outfit that hinted at the wonderland hidden under the garment.
    And from what he could see from the sexy dress gracing her curves, Corporal Jennings had a hell of a wonderland. Her earlier shirtless form flashed through his mind, and his lower body promptly tightened.
    So much for not deviating.
    Catching sight of him, she straightened and smiled. Now his ears were ringing, and he had no idea how the hell to answer them. Somehow managing another smile, he raised the hand with the flowers, but that was all his muddled brain would allow.
    Shit . She was walking to him, the silky material teasing as it hit her curves, then released them, making him want to rip the dress off so he could get a complete view of the treasures hidden beneath.
    Correction. The dress had to have been designed by a woman. A vixen. Evil…and wicked…
    “Thank you,” she said, heart-stopping smile still tugging her glossy lips.
    He continued to grin, but had no idea why the woman was thanking him, until she reached for his hand and the flowers bending in his tight grasp.
    Brett released the bunch, a little worse for wear, and wondered what the hell was wrong with him? He’d been out with plenty of beautiful women before. He was a react-to-the-attraction kind of guy. Made it perfectly clear he wasn’t looking for a relationship, and had no problem sticking to a two date rule.

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