Ian Ryan wasn’t the type to walk around talking to himself. He was in control. He didn’t laugh and he didn’t blush.
At least he hadn’t until he’d met Alexandra McGraw.
Thinking of Allie made him think of the man who’d used her. Dr. Neighbors.
Suddenly Ian felt a bit ill.
Yes, he was sure he was coming down with something. Something that would indeed indicate a need to visit a doctor. Namely Dr. Neighbors.
Ian smiled. It was his familiar cold smile, not the one Allie insisted on forcing him to use. He was comfortable dealing with corporate idiots. Dealing with medical ones couldn’t be much different.
“Dr. Neighbors?” Ian’s smile was pasted to his face.
“Mr. Ryan, what seems to be the problem?” said the centerfold-good-looks doctor. He glanced at the chart in his hand and frowned.
“I didn’t tell the nurse for the chart because it is sort of personal,” Ian said. If the doctor had known him better, he would have seen the wolfish gleam in his eyes. Instead of looking nervous, the man just nodded encouragingly.
Ian continued, “I realize you’re a general practitioner, but I’m hoping you can help me out.”
“Maybe, if you tell me what the problem is.” The doctor’s perfect smile flashed whitely.
“Well, it’s sort of embarrassing.”
The man looked sympathetic. “I’m a doctor, there’s nothing you can tell me I haven’t heard before.”
Ian looked at the man Allie had dated.
What had she been thinking?
The doctor was a shark. Ian could see it clear enough.
That was Allie’s problem. She only saw the good in people. She wouldn’t know a shark from a goldfish.
Three brothers might have raised her, but they hadn’t done such a hot job of seeing to it that she was prepared for the real world. New mothers and babies, maybe. Sharks like this man, never.
“I’m having a great deal of pain,” Ian offered.
“Where?” Dr. Neighbors asked, professional concern flashing on his way-too-pretty face.
Ian remained silent a moment and then said, “In my, well, posterior. Excuse my graphic language, but there it is. I’ve got this giant pain in my ass.”
The doctor’s face clouded. “Maybe you should see a proctologist? I could recommend one.”
Ian stood, towering over the doctor, who suddenly had the good sense to look nervous.
“I really think you’d better find someone who’s better able to help you.” The good doctor fidgeted with the chart, suddenly looking less like a shark and more like a trout grabbing at the oh-so-tasty bait Ian was offering.
“Oh, I think I’ve found who I was looking for.” He smiled another cold smile and moved menacingly closer.
“What are you talking about?” the doctor stuttered.
“That pain in the backside I mentioned? Well, I’m looking at it. You see, men who cheat on their wives make me sick, and ones who would prey on someone as guileless as Allie McGraw, well, that type of man is the hemorrhoid on the backside of life.” Ian took another step forward, which placed him right in front of the doctor.
The man tried to pull himself together but didn’t do an impressive job of it. “Now, see here, my private life is none of your concern.”
Ian nodded. “I’d have to agree with that, but Allie’s is.”
“Who are you? One of those brothers she’s so proud of?” the man said with a sneer in his voice, indicating he didn’t think much of the brothers who had raised Allie.
That they’d managed to keep her safe and allowed her to grow into the woman she was made Ian think he’d probably like them very much. “Worse. I’m the man who’s in her life now, and I don’t take kindly to all the bad press she’s getting around the hospital.”
“And what are you going to do about it?” the doctor asked. It might have been his attempt at a sneer, but it was a pathetic attempt. Almost as pathetic as the man himself.
“Now, you see, Dr. Neighbors, I’m a businessman. It took a lot of effort to