time .
His father, the man who had taught him to throw a baseball in the back yard, who had carried him on his shoulders on their hikes in the mountains, who had ruffled his hair and beamed with pride when he brought home a good report card.
Blaine strode to the window and gazed out at the fresh blanket of snow. It was time to let this go. He closed his eyes and sighed .
Behind him, he could hear the creak of Mara’ s return dow n the stairs. Her presence brought with it a peace he hadn’t felt since he was ten years old. An idea unfurled in his mind as he turned to face her.
The butterflies in her stomach seemed to dance more vigorously as she descended the stairs to the living room . T heir unsettling conversation a few minutes ago had muddled her.
Captain Graham was standing by the front window. One of his favorite thinking places, apparently. But as she neared him, he spun around with a twinkle in his gray eyes and a broad grin, something she hadn’t seen once since he’d arrived. The sight took her breath away.
“I have an idea. How long will it take you to be ready to go tree hunting?”
“Tree hunting?”
“For a Christmas tree. It’s the eighteenth! We need one, don’t you think?”
“Well, um… I don’t know. I would have to find someone to stay with Mr. Graham. I could call Mrs. Smith, I suppose. She was planning to do the shopping today, I think.”
“Yes. Give it a try. I’m going to take the pickup into town to fill up. Can you be ready when I get back?”
“I… I think so,” she stammered. His sudden excitement about Christmas took her by surprise. This was a far cry from the man who had entered her life two short weeks ago.
He was gone in a moment, remembering for once , she noticed, to grab his coat from the kitchen as he rush ed out the back door.
Smiling in bewilderment, she walked to the kitchen to use the phone. In all the upheaval of the last couple of weeks, she hadn’t thought much about Christmas approaching.
“Arlington-4277, please,” she spoke into the receiver, unable to keep the anticipation from framing her voice.
Chapter Seven
The unexpected uh-ooga of the Model A’s horn made Mara jump. It had been awhile since she’d been honked at like that. She had n ever been out with anyone other than Michael – not that she believed this was a date . Her stomach flip-flopped at the thought . Pull yourself together. A couple sentimental moments, and you’re turning into mush .
“It should only be two or three hours. We’re going to cut a Christmas tree. Brighten up the place a bit. I think it will bolster Mr. Graham’s spirits,” she explained to Mrs. Smith, trying to cover her response to the sound of the horn.
The older woman raised an eyebrow at her. “I haven’t known Mr. Graham to celebrate Christmas since his wife’s passing . Are you sure about this, my dear ?”
“I’m sure . It’s time. Are you okay to stay until we get back?”
“Yes. Though I may have to leave for a short time to pick up the grocerie s before the market closes. I’ll wait as long as I can.”
Mara buttoned her coat and hurried out the door. “Thank you, Mrs. Smith. He should be asleep for another hour or so. I have lasagna in the oven. He’ll be ready to eat when he wakes up. We’ll be back as soon as we can.”
Stepping into the house and shaking the snow out of his hat, Blaine faced her.
“Ready?” He shook out his winter coat. Mara couldn’t keep the smile from her face as he held out her hat and gloves for her to put on. Anticipating the rough weather, she had already put her winter gloves and hat on the nearest counter top. It had been years since she’d gone Christmas tree hunting ; she wasn’t sure how bundled up she needed to be.
Shyly, she took the gloves and hat, taking extra care to put them on so the bitter cold wouldn’t seep through. She wasn’t used to the cold winters just yet. Bla in e’s boyish grin was infectious as he opened the