Alea Jacta Est: A Novel of the Fall of America (Future History of America Book 1)

Free Alea Jacta Est: A Novel of the Fall of America (Future History of America Book 1) by Marcus Richardson

Book: Alea Jacta Est: A Novel of the Fall of America (Future History of America Book 1) by Marcus Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Richardson
growing alliance with the Fist and would now
spread chaos through the streets of the largest powerless cities. 
    The pact
Hakim had forged with Malcolm Abdul Rashid a few years back would devastate the
country even as America tried to come to grips with the crippling assault on
its power system.
    Then the
effects of the Holy Firestorm and the chaos that would follow would truly be felt.  There was no way America could stand it all at once. 
    The icing
on the cake, wished Hakim, would be for some country to attack
America while it is weak.  If only the Chinese had listened to us…instead of
shunning our ambassadors.  Hakim, a simple warrior, did not understand why
the Al Qaeda leadership warned him that more than anything, the Chinese were
perhaps the best in the world at listening.
    Hakim tried
to forget about lost opportunities and grinned as he imagined the riots in
American cities, perhaps under way at that very moment.  At the very latest,
they would start at sunset. 
    The fools
played right in to our hands...they are completely our pawns.  They expect
their ‘Arab brothers’ to welcome them with open arms…after.  They have no idea
the Fist will consider them just as American as the Whites and all the other
infidel half-breeds found in this stinking cesspool called America.  They will all be
cleansed by the Sword of Allah.  They profess their faith, yet do nothing to
satisfy the command to purify the infidel that the Prophet desires.  Their
hearts may be in the right place, but they are not truly of the Faith.  
Satisfied that his betrayal of fellow Muslims was a rational, justified act,
Hakim decided to think no more on the fate of his erstwhile comrades.
    The man on
the radio appeared to be crying.  Hakim took special joy in the squeals from
the American radio stations as they drove through the countryside.  Only three
could be heard this far into the wilds of a largely powerless Arizona.  Reports
of power outages all across the nation grew by the hour and never ceased to
bring a smile to his face.  
    Many radio
stations, especially the smaller ones, simply had no power to operate.  Huge
swaths of the radio dial were static.  To Hakim’s silent joy, the stations that
mostly played the rubbish Saldid preferred were already offline.
    They had
only recently heard over the radio that their comrades had accomplished the
first part of the Great Jihad.  Only now, some dozen hours after the first
power outages, did the foolish Americans own up to the fact that a number of mujahedeen had been killed in attacks on power installations across the nation.  No
matter, enough damage had been done to overload and topple the entire national
grid.  Hakim swore to avenge the fallen mujahedeen .  For every Brother
that died, Hakim vowed to slay ten American infidels.
    “I don’t
believe it, friends…the power is out over most of the nation.  We’re only going
to broadcast for the next few hours.  Our backup generator will probably be
requisitioned by the local authorities soon.  They’ve really hit us below the
belt this time.  We’re still waiting on details of exactly how they did
it…And to add insult to injury…I’m just now receiving reports of large scale
rioting in Chicago and Boston.  Atlanta appears to be in the midst of a race riot of some sort.  Of all the stupid….who the hell has a race riot just
as we’re being attacked by terrorists!?  Looks like violence is breaking out in
New York, too.  What’s wrong with these people?  It’s like they’re just
looking for an excuse to burn down their own homes and communities!  Is our
country falling apart or am I just paranoid?” cried the radio host.  Hakim
did it!” he exclaimed and whooped for joy. 
    “You did
not think he would follow through?” asked Saldid with sudden alarm.
    “No, no,”
said Hakim, waving a hand in dismissal of Saldid’s worry.  “I knew he would do
it.  I just knew not if his

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