Fox Fate
    "Thank you, Deirdre," Lara said. "Everything is lovely." But her back was stiff. I wondered what was wrong, but I thought I could guess.
    "Deirdre, I wouldn't suppose I could convince you to give me a hint about my question."
    "I'm sorry, Michaela," she replied. "You'll have to wait."
    I grumped good-naturedly.
    "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Joanna and Anika will collect you when it's time to leave for dinner, but they will be about, perhaps in the kitchen, if you wish to leave early and spend more time on the walk."
    And with that, she was gone.
    I turned around, looking at the house. It was stately and stunning. I noticed Lara watching me.
    "It's an amazing house," I said.
    "It is," she agreed.
    "Perfect for a vampire."
    "I imagine so."
    "Nice place to visit," I added. Lara didn't respond. "Nowhere to run. Can you imagine going furry here? I don't want to think about how badly I'd slip around on this floor."
    "You were coveting the books," Lara observed.
    " Origin of Species is a definitive work," I said. "It may be the most important book in the history of science. As a wolf, you understand survival of the fittest. But Lara, you give me everything I could possibly ask for. And how often do I ask for material possessions?"
    She didn't say anything.
    "This is an old house. I bet the plumbing at home is more reliable. You know how I enjoy a long, hot shower. I told you the story of my first hot shower, thanks to the Callahans."
    I moved closer until we were almost touching. I looked up in her eyes and caressed her cheek. I took her arms and wrapped them around me.
    "It's a lovely house for a city girl. But do you remember our first phone call when you asked me out?"
    She nodded slowly.
    "Do you remember what I told you about the big city?"
    She nodded.
    I laid my head against her shoulder, my face against her neck, and sighed happily. "I love you, Lara," I said.
    She wrapped her arms around me, stiffly at first, but she slowly relaxed. "I love you, too, Little Fox," she whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to feeling inadequate."
    "Well, that's just silly," I replied. "You're perfect. Most of the time."
    "What do you mean, most of the time?" she growled.
    "Well," I said, pushing away. "You and Elisabeth cheated." I didn't wait for her response but ran up the stairs to our bedroom, knowing she'd chase me even before she realized. At the top of the stairs, before Lara could catch me, I hollered out, "We're leaving in ninety minutes."
    Lara almost caught me at the top of the stairs, but I ducked underneath her, gave her a little push, which did nothing at all, but then evaded her twice more on the way to the bedroom. I let her catch me once we were in the bedroom. She picked me up, throwing me over her shoulder, one arm wrapped around my legs, my ass in the air, and my head hanging down.
    I squealed and giggled.
    "Take it back," she ordered. "I did not cheat."
    "Cheated!" I said firmly. "Again."
    With her free hand, she paddled my bottom, just hard enough to sting. I squealed in mock outrage.
    "Cheated!" I accused. "Cheated, cheated, cheated! Now put me down and beg my forgiveness."
    "I did not cheat," she said.
    So I jabbed my fingers in her ribs. She knew I was going to do it, but she flinched nevertheless. I wasn't gentle.
    "Put me down or you'll get worse," I threatened. I wasn't sure what 'worse' might be, but I'd think of something.
    Instead of setting me on my feet, Lara bounced me on her shoulder a few times.
    "Admit I didn't cheat," she ordered.
    "You know you did," I said softly. "Lara, I've taken my last wager from either of you."
    She stilled and slowly, gently set me down. "You're not kidding, are you?"
    I looked up into her eyes and shook my head.
    "I didn't cheat," she said softly, and I heard the hurt in her voice.
    "You changed the rules after letting me accept a significant wager from your sister, and you both knew about the special cards. You knew they were designed to tease me and they were worth more

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