Shark, you’ve been so helpful. We make a good team. All of us.” I fanned my hand at the dangerous men I now considered family.
“We do. Now, keep it up, men.” Mason shouted to the crew, “The sooner this bitch hits the dock, the sooner you get to wet your limp little cocks.” Jumping to their stations, they rambled about the whores they’d be bedding when they got there. Gambling and drinking were also of great interest, but it was mostly the whores they desired.
Of course, Mason chimed in on their lustful thrills. Though I hated hearing him say those nasty things, and even worried that some of his stated interests were true, my irritation lightened when I realized we’d finally get some time alone ashore. Oh, maybe we could get another fancy room at an inn. I could even pay this time if he would let me. I wanted to. Just because I could.
Hurrying to the chartroom, I made my final marks on the map I had been working on, and then ran back out to the deck with a quill and a roll of parchment. Setting my supplies on a barrel, I took my time drawing the scene before me. Copying the silhouette of the island, I left room to add the harbor view from the sea, and also planned to record some depths if the sunlight would allow.
The sea below Esmerelda’s keel turned from blue to turquoise, and as soon as I could see the white sand laying low beneath the sunlit shades of aqua, I began recording my measurements of the passage. Figuring there must have been a hundred maps of this well-traveled seaway, I put in strenuous efforts to make mine one of the best. While studying the finest details of the beautiful scene, I felt extraordinarily close to nature and enjoyed the pleasant serenity of the honorable experience with a hopeful heart.
While signing my feather at the bottom, I caught a glimpse of the smiling moon on its rise. I decided to add the crescent to my signature. A feather and a moon, with a few stars dancing around it. Perhaps the maps of the Midnight Feather would one day be worthy enough to fight over. Yes, if I did them well enough, my work would live much longer than I would.
Sailing slowly through the crowded harbor, we somehow managed to get a spot at the main dock. Once the sails were doused for the evening, we passed the loot—tack and barrel—to the dock below. Most of the men rushed off to town the moment Mason gave them the go ahead, but he and a few others stayed behind to keep watch for the night.
“You don’t want to go to town?” I asked him when no one else was around.
“No. There’s nothing I need to rush off to. Let the dogs run amuck and I’ll fluff their pillows while they’re away.”
Before I had a chance to ask him if we could get a room tomorrow, Perk came over running his big fat mouth. Had it not been about Ziare refusing the help he needed, I would have been annoyed. Ziare’s horrifying amputation had healed miraculously well, and though he had taken stupendous strides of independence with his one arm, there were still some instances in which he needed assistance.
Mason went down to help his quartermaster, and knowing that I’d be stuck on the ship for the night, I went to the chartroom to work on the fine details of my map of Tortuga.
Burning through half a candle, I refined my map as best as I could by memory. Once I had done all I could do, I decided to write another letter to my mother. Taking a deep breath, I dipped my quill in the inkwell and let my awkward feelings flow.
So much has changed. Though it is hard to say if it is good or bad, there is one thing that has remained consistent throughout it all, like a rock in the storm or a light in the fog. Under this hopeful light, I have been able to make a living with my artwork and I am proud to say I have found a way to make it in this world. Though we were never very close, I want you to know that I love you so, and I hope all is well for you.
Your one and only child
Figuring it best to keep my
Cecilia Aubrey, Chris Almeida