Frozen Necessity

Free Frozen Necessity by Evi Asher

Book: Frozen Necessity by Evi Asher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evi Asher
the eternals, assume that I raped Colt?”
    “No, honey, don’t get us wrong.” Ath stood and reached for Angelica.
    Geli wasn’t having it. She moved out of the way. “How else am I supposed to take it?”
    “We know you were forced, too. You were sent to the breeding center, and you were forced to rape Colt.”
    “I. Never. Touched. Him.” Fury was blinding Angelica and she felt it as her fists started to burn.
    “Okay, everyone just calm down.” Archer’s voice was soothing as he stepped between Angelica and Athera.
    “Why don’t you tell us what happened from the beginning? Everyone.” He pinned each of the phoenix women with a death stare in turn. “We’ll sit down and shut up until you have told your whole story. Okay?”
    Ath went to sit on the couch and Scarlet perched on the edge of the chair.
    “Okay,” Angelica agreed, and took her seat on the couch next to Ath again. She concentrated on calming herself and finding some peace. She would tell them what actually happened.
    “The first time I saw anyone in the breeding center, it was Malta…”

Chapter Eight
    Colt sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He felt torn, guilt eating at him. He knew he’d treated Geli unfairly. He had overreacted, but at the same time when she’d reached for his zipper, everything that had happened had come flooding back, and he’d wanted to punish her. He wanted to hurt her the way he’d been hurt.
    He couldn’t deny that he wanted Angelica.
    Oh, God , did he want her, but he didn’t know if he could let go of what had happened in the phoenix realm.
    Scratch that. He could . He could let go of it and he would.
    Angelica had used him, and he would use her in the same way.
    You are trying to justify your attraction to her, and the stuff you are feeling toward her, a small voice deep inside said, but he shut it down.
    It had nothing to do with attraction or any feelings…
    Hell no!
    He had no feelings, other than good old-fashioned lust. He wanted to fuck her, and it was that simple.
    So, he was going to do what he wanted, but he’d have to apologize to her first.
    Yeah, pretend as if apologizing is just a way to get under her robes. You know it’s more than that.
    “Shut up.” Colt told his mental voice. He didn’t need to second-guess himself or add more complications to his plan.
    He stood up and wiped his hands down the thighs of his jeans as he wondered why they were clammy.
    “No time like now.” He walked to his door and pulled it open. He’d go into Geli’s room, say sorry, then finish what they’d started on the couch.
    A knock on the front door interrupted him, the door pushed open without a response, and Jericho stepped into the cabin.
    “Hey, Colt.” He smiled a greeting.
    Colt could have strangled his best friend for his crappy timing, and he must have had a black scowl on his face, because Jericho tilted his head. “What’s got your claws sprouting?”
    “I don’t want to talk about it.” Colt went and sat down on the couch. He wasn’t going to tell Jericho that he was a world-class fuck up when it came to dealing with Geli, but he was going to let his friend know what kind of woman Jericho was involved with.
    “Tell me about Kate.” He leaned his elbows down on his knees and dipped his head to tell Jericho to sit down.
    Colt’s best friend sat down, but he looked at Colt with a questioning look. “What about her?”
    “You haven’t known her very long.”
    “That is a statement, not a question and yes, you know I’ve only known her a few days.”
    “Are you serious about her?” Colt asked and prayed that Jericho would say he wasn’t.
    “We’ve been friends since we were cubs. Do you really have to ask me?”
    “Answer the question Jer. I need to hear it from your lips.”
    Jericho shrugged, and the motion screamed whatever . “No, she’s fun to be with and great in bed, but I’m not interested in anything long term. She said she’d be on

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