The Troven (Kingdom of Denall Book 1)

Free The Troven (Kingdom of Denall Book 1) by Eric Buffington

Book: The Troven (Kingdom of Denall Book 1) by Eric Buffington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric Buffington
gifts and call it a night.”
    Grumbling, the others agreed and silently sat around the fire opening their gift bags.
    * * * * *
    Bendar moved to sit on a log alone, frustrated that in his enthusiasm he had let it slip that he planned to go to Hanger. Although Hanger University did have scrolls and scholars who could help him study various gifts, he also knew they had the most comprehensive library about The Changing. Of all his academic pursuits, he felt most drawn to this topic of study, and for a reason that logic could not justify, he felt that The Changing would happen sooner than anyone thought, maybe even in his lifetime.
    Despite all his reasons for choosing Hanger University, Bendar knew his companions on this Troven would never understand him. Nobody truly understood him. Accepting that his current situation as a social outcast was out of his control, he opened the bag he had received from his parents.
    In his small bag was a travel sized book, and a note from his parents:
    We are very proud of the boy that you have become. As you lead your friends, please be kind and understanding. Always remember that wisdom can only come when knowledge is applied in the real world. Sometimes you will need to make decisions that do not make sense, but feel right. These choices will help you in becoming a man. Follow your head, follow your heart, and live by the values you have been taught.
    Mom and Dad
    P.S. We hope that you are not too disappointed that the two stashes are left as they were. We thought it would be a better challenge for your group to choose which items you would take and what you would leave behind.
    Bendar read over the note again, searching the words for any hint that they had found the third stash. Did the mention of two stashes mean that is all they think I have? How would they know it was more upsetting for the stashes to be left alone? And perhaps the most confusing part of the note was that in his father’s handwriting the message told him to follow his heart.
    After examining the note until he had it memorized, and was certain he couldn’t learn anything useful from it, he opened the small book. The Changing. Bendar opened the book and began reading. He smiled as he thought of his conversation with his father earlier that day.
    * * * * *
    Garin sat close to the fire using the light to closely examine the contents of his bag. It contained three items: a knife, a gold coin, and a note:
    We know that you are coming home to us and we will probably not see Farin again. Please watch out for him. He needs your stability and you need his passion for life if you are to grow into the men you need to be. Dad included the knife he has told you about, but you have never seen. It was given to him by his father when he started on his Troven. He used it every day he was away, and hopes it will play a role in you becoming a man. Stick to the main roads and travel by day if at all possible. Remember to keep your ears sharp; they will protect you from danger. This coin will help you get started on your journey. Dad says to not spend it all in one place, and I say not to waste it. Now put this note away and get some rest.
    We love you very much,
    Mom and Dad
    After he read the letter, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the gift from Fenn, the greatest treasure he had received at the ceremony. Garin looked at the drawing. It was a perfect resemblance. He wondered who had drawn this picture, as he knew Fenn was not much of an artist. He turned the drawing over to see on the back a few words in Fenn's graceful handwriting.
    “I will wait for you,” was all that was written.
    “So what did Mom say to you?” Farin asked him. “Probably the same stuff Dad was writing to me. I bet they were writing two letters at the same time. Listen to this part: ‘Be strong, Son. Mom says she loves you, remember your oath. Also, Mom says be careful, and take care of your

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