opened the door and saw a man who looked like he worked for UPS, I noticed he was wearing driving gloves, but I thought nothing of it as he handed Ant a PDA.
“Package for Maddie White”, he spoke with a southern accent.
“Who’s it from..?” Ant asked looking suspicious
“No sender details, probably picked up from the Post Office”, he looked like he getting more impatient.
Ant signed his name on the plastic screen and gave it back to the UPS guy. We watched as he got back in his equally brown truck and pulled away in a hurry.
The box was nondescript, it had no sender, only my name and address typed out on a label, I looked for other details but found none.
The box was sealed with two pieces of tape, neatly. I removed the tape that left a sticky residue, and opened the box. It was packed with thin paper, a familiar smell filled my nose.
I pulled the paper aside and saw something that made me drop the box . A dozen Red Roses that had begun to turn black lay on the floor their leaves and thorns intermingled. ‘Who would send me roses?’ the thought interrupted by Ant.
“Secret admirer Miss?, Ant bent down and picked up a card and read it aloud.
“Forever yours x”, he handed me the handwritten card. The card had no name and was typed out in a normal looking typeface, I handed it back to Ant.
“No secret admirers Ant, well not that I know of..”, ‘Daniel wouldn’t be so direct...and creepy, he’s not the type.
“Glad you were there, the guy kinda creeped me out”,
“No worries Miss, I’ve always got your best interests at heart”, Ant walked back to the garage through the orangery.
Leaving the roses on the parquet flooring, I walked towards the house phone which lay on a little oak table, picking it up I dialed my father.
On the third ring he answered.
“Hello...”, his voice sounding jolly.
“Dad it’s me..” trying to hide the fear.
“I don’t want to freak you out but I’ve been getting a few crank calls, and now a box of roses with forever yours on a card”,
“Seriously, sweetie you should of rung me earlier, as soon as they started the first call, look I’ve got a friend who runs a Detective Agency near you, he’ll probably give you a ring on Sunday, his name is Dan, he owes me a favor, Don’t worry we’ll get to the bottom of this and find out who’s playing games” his reply was stern but comforting.
“Dad, I’ll book a week off to catch up with you , oh let’s say next Month.. Sound good?”,
“Sure sweetie, look I have to go.. Things to do you know...Love you”
“Love you too”, I hung up the phone.
Walking into my room, I decided I should visit my brother Mike and the kids. Mike was a cop with the Santa Clara sheriffs office and I knew he had a day off. Grabbing my jacket I headed outside where Ant had brought my Aston Martin 177 around.
“Miss Maddie, I’ll follow you in the Evoque just to make sure you get there ok” he was firm and I felt that little bit safer that he would be behind me.
“Sure, thanks.. Good idea, just keep your distance, we don’t want any accidents”, I opened the door to my car and started up the V12 engine, it purred as I revved the engine.
The trip to Mikes was uneventful until I came up his road, the street cordoned off by Police, the officers waving to stop traffic, I could see Ant three cars behind me, his comforting presence a blessing in disguise.
I wound down my window and a officer came towards me.
“Miss, there's no access to this road by car, you’ll have to walk” his look was officious
“What happened? ...”, I knew the question was unavoidable
“Some kid on a dirt bike collided with a bus, emergency services are dealing with it”, he walked back behind the cordon and continued with his duties.
I parked my 177 outside a dry cleaner, and walked the hill that Mike’s house stood on. A colonial two story building that had recently looked like it had been painted, with one of those