Tempting Gray - Untouchables 02
be dawdled now.”
    Before Zeke could say a word, she snapped
straight, her hands in fists at her side. “The fee just increased four over.”
    He cocked a brow. “That’s all?”
    Her mouth twitched like she wanted to say something
scathing—it’d probably singe the hairs off his head. “I can’t take the job,”
she said.
    “What?” he asked, his voice a growl.
    Zeke chuckled and began coming his fingers
through his hair like a damn woman. “I think she’s referring to the job I gave
    “It can wait,” was all he said.
    Zeke pretended to contemplate the matter, but
who knew what was happening in that brain of his. When he came out of his daze,
he looked at Arabella, but he did not crack a smile. The harsh planes of his
face showed the alpha’s true appearance; he wore the visage of a dangerous and
powerful man capable of great and terrible things.
    “I believe I’ll allow this, Gray. After I
receive my share, an equal amount shall do. After all, you are hiring my
employee and taking her away from a very important case.”
    “I do apologize that my bruid’s murder
has inconvenienced you, President Hunt,” Grayson said between clenched teeth.
    Zeke gave him an easy smile. “It’s cool, bro.”
    Grayson wanted to make that smile bleed. But he
reined in the anger which had steadily grown like a pot of boiling water. If he
didn’t get out of here soon he would explode.
    “I’ll get you your money.”
    “Great! Then you can have Arabella’s unique
services,” Zeke said grandly.
    “If she can’t find them, if she isn’t
everything you said, I’m coming back here and killing you instead.”
    “Pish-posh, you’re just upset because your mate
was murdered. You’ll come to your senses, Grayson my boy.”
    Grayson’s jaw clenched, grinding side to side. “We
start tonight.”
    Arabella stepped forward. “Whoa, hold on there,
cowboy, vampire, whatever you are. I can’t go tonight. I need to gather things,
do some research. You know, I need information on who I’m tracking to start.”
    “You’re looking for two vampires both involved
with the underground black market. Their names are Jericho Donato and his
father Victor Donato.”
    Her face paled. “The Butcher, Jericho Donato?”
she asked.
    “Is there any other?” he replied dryly.
    Her jaw flexed. “I guess not. What you’re
asking for might take a few days, could be longer. I need to go home and
    Grayson snapped his head around to Zeke. “Tell
me again how this Were is a better tracker than you when she cannot even shift?”
    “She doesn’t need to shift. Our little golden
Oprah here has an ability I’ve never seen before,” Zeke said. He’d finished
combing his hair back and now pulled it into a ponytail.
    “When I touch something I can see a vision of
the owner. It’s hard to explain, but I’m able to find them,” she said. “I’ll be
ready tomorrow morning to start.”
    Her intelligence was truly coming into question
now. “In case you have forgotten, I cannot go out into sunlight,” Grayson said.
    Her flush said it all. There was a brief mumble
that might have been an apology—or she was cursing him. “Tomorrow evening come
pick me up. Zeke, give him my address.” She left without another word, her long
golden tresses whipping behind her as she spun around.
    Grimacing, Grayson turned back to the alpha. He
still wore that stupid smile. “You can make the check out to Zeke Hunter.”

    When Arabella got home after that strange
business with Grayson Blackmoore and Zeke, her hopes of having some alone time
to digest all that had happened were dashed. Her roommate, Sissy, was home.
Sissy was not as quiet or cowardly as her name indicated. Quite the contrary,
Sissy was a bigger woman with curves that went on forever—her words not Arabella’s—and
a big mouth. At the same time she was the best friend Arabella had ever had;
she didn’t care that Ara couldn’t shapeshift like everyone

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