Renegade Rising (The Renegade Series)
off their weapons as they pressed them forward, digging their feet into the ground below. Not even the earth would be left unscarred as the boy’s dreams came head to head.
    Thomson’s experience began to show as he nimbly pulled away and spun to the right, causing Gisbo to fall forward with his back unprotected. Thomson cracked a swift strike to Gisbo’s side in an attempt to take his breath from him. Gisbo reeled in pain, giving Thomson momentary confidence as he went for Gisbo’s head in a wild swing.
    There was no way Gisbo would be able to raise his weapon in time to counter now. Thomson knew he had him. This maneuver had given him many a victory on the clash field, however, this was no clash field and Gisbo was no clash player.
    In an unexpected maneuver, Gisbo dropped his sword and caught Thomson’s weapon in mid swing. Gisbo jumped upward, leaned back, and kicked out with both of his feet into Thomson’s chest, breaking the wooden pole in two and sending the surprised boy to the ground, stunned. Gisbo landed harmlessly on his back while Thomson fell into a roll landing flat on his chest. Thomson curled into a ball as he clutched his chest in pain.
    Ricard stood from his seat, his face full of dismay at the sight of his son in a position he had never seen before, on the ground and in pain. Cannon rose to his feet as well, stood on his chair, and whispered in Ricard’s ear. Ricard raised his hand while shaking his head. Thomson saw this, but Gisbo did not as he ran toward his fallen enemy, holding the broken pieces of Thomson’s weapon in each hand.
    In a desperate maneuver, Thomson charged upward, shoving his shoulder into Gisbo’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him. As Gisbo hunched downward, Thomson flipped him over his shoulders and attempted to grab the half of the sword held in Gisbo’s left hand. Try as he might, however, Gisbo would not let go. Instead, Gisbo swung his other pole overhead, hitting Thomson’s main sword hand hard. The sound of fracturing bones was music to Gisbo’s ears. Thomson reared back and clutched at his injured hand.
    Back on his feet now, Gisbo clenched both of his weapon-filled hands firmly and marched once again towards his enemy. Thomson retreated backward and Gisbo pursued him. Luckily for Thomson, he was ambidextrous. He managed to grab Gisbo’s original fallen sword and he brought it up in an upward thrust to block Gisbo’s next advance, making a loud CLANK noise.
    Thomson quickly realized that as far as close quarters went, Gisbo outmatched him. He was more muscular and quicker, but he was far from skillful. Wielding the longer weapon, Thomson put it to good use by using it to keep the distance. He quickly adapted to the stance of a fencer and now held his weapon with one hand and thrust forward, forcing Gisbo to block his advances and match his quick footwork. Gisbo’s clumsy feet had no chance and Thomson did not let up as he graced Gisbo’s ribs and shoulders with quick, painful stabs. Try as he might, Gisbo could not advance forward and could not retreat backward quick enough to counter. Thomson was now making him look like an absolute amateur as he took a quick jab to his forehead.
    Stunned, but far from from done, Gisbo tried dropping one of his weapons to grab Thomson's like before, but to no avail. Thomson was moving far too fast and only graced his temple with another blow, dazing Gisbo enough to cause him to flinch. Thomson seized the opportunity as he swung again for Gisbo’s head. At the last possible moment, Gisbo managed to raise his forearms in a cross shape, blocking the blow, but sending him crashing to the ground. Not about to let the opportunity pass, Thomson rushed upon Gisbo, kicking him hard in his kidney, followed by another kick to his stomach that knocked the wind right out of him once more. It was now Gisbo’s turn to curl into a ball as he fought desperately to regain his breath. Thomson stood over Gisbo and allowed a premature victory

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