someone's punching bag. No matter how long I'd crushed on him.
"Oh shit, I gotta go. There are giraffes migrating towards our camp. I love you! Say hi to Mink and Clint for me!" And with that, the call went black with her exit.
I sigh, the sound reverberating in my tiny single. I was lucky enough to even get one of these. But I was usually gone so late and up so early with studio time that no one had wanted to room with me.
I pick up my phone, willing there to be a text from Miles. No such luck. He hasn't even tried to get in contact after our night together. Jerk. He was entirely aware of the fact that he hadn't used a condom, and didn't even try to rectify the situation. I'd gone by myself, picking up the morning-after pill while the judgmental pharmacist rang me up.
Miles Farriston. I still kind of couldn't believe I'd even slept with him.
I'd been seven-years-old, he nine, the first time I'd laid eyes on him. Bruce Nichols had been bullying me during recess about my height, I was awfully tall for a first grader. I was crying, sitting on the swing while Bruce called me a praying mantis. All of sudden, Bruce was on the ground, holding his arm and whimpering.
"Leave her alone. Pick on someone your own age, Nichols." A tough voice had said. I squinted up into the sunny spring sky, and Miles stepped into view, blocking out the rays. "Are you okay?"
All I could do was nod. His blonde curls, so much lighter than, sprung out from his head, his small smile showcasing a row of uneven baby teeth. He had on a Superman shirt and jeans. I fell hard right then and there, for my own personal superhero.
Ever since, I'd been trying to get him to see me, like he saw me that day. It had never happened, despite my many attempts and passes in high school. Until now. And now, he didn't see me in any way that was good. In any way that could lead anywhere except for me getting hurt.
So, in my usual fashion, I would forgive. But this time, I wouldn't forget. I wasn't pursuing him anymore. I'd get through these next five weeks and then we'd be free to move on completely from each other.
My phone vibrates, and I snatch it up quickly. Okay, so the whole not waiting for Miles thing is going to take some work.
Checking the screen, I realize it's just an email from Madame Vivienne. She's a former French ballerina who trained at the French Academie of Ballet. While she's tough, she's taken an interest in me, which could catapult me to success faster than I can imagine. I just have to put up with her very strict way of teaching.
Ms. Trabucco,
We've missed you in class the last two days. I hope you're feeling better. I know I don't need to remind you what two days off will do to a ballerina striving to make a company. Please see me in my office tomorrow after class, that is, if you're feeling better.
—Madame Vivienne
Oh, just perfect. Not only am I bleeding heavily from my stupid sex decisions, but now Madame V has decided to take a stab at me too. Her quiet, guilting jabs hurt more than a knife in the gut.
No, I'm definitely not going anywhere near Miles Farriston again. He left me, alone and scared, to deal with our mistake. But he also cost me two days of studio time, training time. Time that I'm in dire need of to make my dream come true.
No, I wasn't wasting anymore time on him and a seven-year-old's fantasy.
W hen I envision a baseball , I see the seams ripped open, the cottony guts of the thing flying through the air. That's what I want to do that three-inch-round sphere each time its thrown in my direction. That's why, as it comes at me from behind the automated pitch machine on the mound, I use all of the power and strength in my body to swing my bat. With a crack, I make contact, propelling the cowhide-covered circle up into the second deck of seats. That deafening pop, the one that rings in your ears when you know you've hit a's almost better than an orgasm for me.
"You wouldn't be hitting like that if I