to see Logan and Joe step into the room, Jake behind them.
    “Look, all I can say is we need to get Jill into the hospital now. Is there another phone number where I can reach her?”
    He glanced at his watch. It was late, after seven. She could be sleeping, or maybe she had her earbuds in, listening to music, and couldn’t hear the phone. That had to be it. The problem was that he was so far away he couldn’t just go home and check. “Her work number. Did you try her office? I can’t see how she’d be there, though. She was working from home. Maybe she didn’t hear the phone.” He was rubbing his head, frustrated.
    “We tried her work and left a message. Spoke with the receptionist there earlier. They said Jill hadn’t been in.”
    “I’m going to have someone go over to my place and check. She could be working, maybe didn’t hear the phone. I’ll call you back.” He hung up the phone and turned, as Logan was now in his face.
    “What’s going on?”
    “The doctor is trying to get a hold of Jill. Something’s wrong. He wants her at the hospital. I knew I shouldn’t have left. I knew it.”
    “Is there a problem with the baby?” It was Jake, stepping around Ben and Joe, now appearing as worried as Samuel felt.
    “Something, I don’t know,” Samuel said. “He wouldn’t really say, as Jill’s just my girlfriend. She has to give her consent for the doctor to talk to me, and she hasn’t done that yet.”
    “I don’t understand. I thought you flew to Vegas and got married,” Jake said, and Ben was frowning, looking to him and then Logan for answers.
    “No, they’re not married,” Logan said. “Jill wouldn’t go through with it.” Everyone was looking at him then.
    “What?” Ben said.
    “She knew I was upset that no one in my family had showed for our wedding. She believed she was responsible and worried I’d hate her.”
    “It’s more than that, Samuel,” Logan said. “It’s partly because of your relationship with your brothers that she loves you. She has no intention of marrying you until you sort this out. She’s right, too.”
    He couldn’t believe Logan knew so much. “You seem to know a lot about this, Logan. I’m not really liking this too much.”
    “Jill phoned me, Samuel,” he said. “She needs you to make things right with Jake. She’s very upset that she’s the reason you’re divided from your family. She can’t live with that.”
    “So is that the reason I’m here, that you called this little reunion, because Jill called you?”
    Logan crossed his arms and took a deep breath, his chest rising as if he needed to tell Samuel something he hadn’t planned on. “She surprised me,” he said. “It took a lot of guts on her part to pick up the phone to call me, to reach out for help. Any woman doing that and thinking of your relationship with your brothers and how important it is…that says a lot about a woman to me. I may have been wrong about her. She didn’t try to make excuses about what she’d done with Jake and you. She’s carrying her part of this triangle.”
    “You know what, Logan? At some point we’ll maybe have a conversation about that, but right now I need to find Jill,” Samuel said. He was already dialing as he talked to Logan. The phone was ringing, and he waited until his voice came on the voicemail. “Jill, this is Samuel. Pick up.” He waited for a second, nothing. He finally hung up. “Damn it. She’s not answering.”
    “What’s wrong?” Jake asked again, stepping around Ben.
    “Jill’s not answering the phone.” He was already dialing her cell phone, but it too went right to voicemail. “Shit! Of all the times, Logan, to call this emergency family meeting. Jill hasn’t been feeling well, and we were just at the doctor’s. He ran some tests. Sounds like whatever has turned up is enough that he’s worried. Crap, what if something happened to her?”
    He was thinking of who else he could call. He didn’t really know anyone

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