The Switch

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Book: The Switch by Heather Justesen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Justesen
then she would have given you the third degree about Danny stopping by for dinner.” Nichole’s eyes twinkled at her.
    “How did you know?” A ridiculous hint of embarrassment slid into her, even as she felt herself blush with the memory of their time together. She liked Danny more every time she spoke with him.
    “I live across the street, remember? Besides, Casey mentioned Samantha went on and on about it.”
    Tia blushed. “He came to ask me to judge a chili-cook off his department is holding for a fund-raiser. He didn’t come with the intention of joining us for dinner.”
    “Sure he didn’t.” Nichole chuckled. “That’s why he waited until nearly six to pop by. He had the whole day off, you’d been home for hours . . . ”
    “You’re delusional if you think I’m going to get involved with a guy right now when everything else is up in the air.” She only had so much room for change in her life before she went on overload.
    Nichole sent her a piercing stare. “It’s been nearly two years since Lee died. You deserve to be involved with a nice guy who cares about you. It would be a shame to miss out because you’re scared.”
    The words made Tia’s throat ache. She was about to change the subject when there was another knock at the door. “That better be my mom, or she’s so dead.”
    Samantha’s excited voice from the other side of the door put Tia at ease before she got close enough to unlock it. There was a flurry of excited hugs and chatter as the girls told her about what they’d done, and Mona made small talk with Nichole.
    As Tia took her yawning toddler from her mother’s arms, she looked at Nichole and mouthed, “Don’t let her get away.”
    Nichole nodded and gave her the thumbs up signal.
    Glad for the backup, Tia made her excuses and whisked the girls off to put them into pajamas. The bedtime routine lasted longer than usual; Samantha couldn’t keep the toothbrush in her mouth for more than five seconds without thinking of something else she wanted to say.
    Finally Tia tucked them into bed and returned to the living room. Nichole stood firmly in front of the door, talking about something that had happened at a school activity. Mona looked mutinous at the blockade. “I really do have to go,” she said.
    “Oh, but here’s Tia. Now you can say a proper goodbye.” Nichole peeked over Mona’s shoulder. “It was good chatting with you again, Tia. Play date tomorrow afternoon?”
    “Yes, thanks.” Tia hoped her smile conveyed her appreciation as she took her mother by the elbow and led her to the sofa. “Don’t you have a few minutes, Mom? We need to talk.”
    “It’s pretty late, much later than I’d planned on staying,” Mona protested.
    “Well this won’t take long.” Tia heard the front door close behind Nichole and was grateful again she’d popped by. If Mona had gotten away tonight without swabbing her cheeks, Tia would have had to chase her down the next day and she didn’t need the aggravation.
    “I’m already running behind.”
    “That’s because you stayed out late. Don’t worry. The swabs don’t hurt and it’ll be done in a few minutes.” Tia grabbed the package with the swabs and pulled it open.
    “Sweetheart, are you sure about this? I mean, there’s no real reason to have me tested. I know my own daughter!”
    “Mom, I thought we already covered this. It’s just for form’s sake. Besides, the test kit came with swabs for both parents, and it’s better to clear away any questions before they arise, don’t you think?” She handed the first cotton swab to her mom. “Now, rub this pretty firmly against the inside of your cheek, remembering to get along the gumline as well. It has to get skin cells in it, not just saliva, so twist it as you go to ensure plenty of skin cells are all over it.”
    “But honey—”
    Tia wanted to scream. Couldn’t anything about this be easy? “Mom, please do it for me, okay? Please? This is such a simple thing

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