Go to the sea, the lake, the tree
dazzling slim and badly loved
You are asleep. A lovely light is singing to itself
Beware of Benjamin Franklin, he is totally lacking in grace
This is called “Black Nausea” by seers. (They basted his caption
on top of the fat sheriff )
These sonnets are a homage to
King Ubu.
Fasten your crimson garter around his servile heart
With which he pours forth interminably
The poem of these states scanning the long selves of
the shore and “gift gift”
Great black rat packs were running amuck amidst the murk
of these states Outside my room
These sonnets are a homage to myself
absence of passion, principles, love
The most elegant present I could get! (This is called
“Black Nausea” by seers)
A Final Sonnet
How strange to be gone in a minute! A man
Signs a shovel and so he digs Everything
Turns into writing a name for a day
is having a birthday and someone is getting
married and someone is telling a joke my dream
a white tree I dream of the code of the west
But this rough magic I here abjure and
When I have required some heavenly music which even now
I do to work mine end upon
That this aery charm is for I’ll break
My staff bury it certain fathoms in the earth
And deeper than did ever plummet sound
I’ll drown my book.
It is 5:15 a.m. Dear Chris, hello.
Great Stories of the Chair
Livid sweet undies drawl
So do we squeal sporty ritual
Once a great kiss sin tells
Dance is night
Later away training melodies dances rues
Latent traveler on light
Lays tense all day silky past far deportment
Says your songs tombs surely rail
You arrest my faculties, you person knees descend
On her part
Like rain occurs missing the whole point so he tired
She would say her little ditty of soul yes
She would say that her circuitous panties descend their
first voyage
Her rear less a dress
This I can’t defeat This stone slays me
I go and do that to her
Her lap opens kisses its tune foils this hurt
Dance of energy
They did bounce her
Her rule was grand it twists like a boulevard
Impasses come, dear beasts
Who require these looney airs so long gone from you all
O all gone to one surly, rude, humiliated
Let’s shovel out a song and dance all knew it
Let’s mosey past them fondled brutes
Shove a dream of it up our regular day devourings
I’ll fondle you on home and hang a kiss on yours
Shall we raise our dead hams
(Her tranquil nose is a noble dancing vine)
Don’t hurt it
Don’t hit it either
Saying what’s so damn sweet
I am on trains they’re all choo-choos
Ack! The Vampire! Some debut!
Lower your dress dammit!
In this tent I’ll untrack or take down some undies
Anguish I’ll sink thru key naps a defense
To be learned one essential day
Like seals I’m indifferent
Eat a potato she said you sober All-American
Liquor troops in deshabillé from blondes a lonely song
Laming a lean m’sieu like a vessel
This man hates his aunt so he licks her feet
Laughing at her brilliant comas of goo
When addict comforts real
One sunk leper’s more real
Lesions are early they fume on her
In her beastly sleep
Some Plague! Heavens! plagues offer
Loathsome murder kill her for me
Says a weak hero completely wrong his meat leaping around
Liquor is her price when she sashays she gouged me a long
time with fins
Like in the movies
One man lassoed her leg’s inner