Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Kayla Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Knight
around him, squeezing him, feeling every ridge and vein that stood proud.
    Her breathing had become almost a pant, and she whimpered every time he filled her with his cock. The interior lights flickered as lightning arced once more across the sky outside, adding to the surreal feel of being fucked against the wall by two hundred and twenty pounds of muscular cowboy. When a terrifying thunderclap cracked overhead they were sent into complete darkness as the electricity failed. Her body jolted in surprise. All she could hear was the sound of their breathing against the backdrop of pouring rain. All she could feel was Tyler filling her cunt with his prick. Everything around her seemed magnified. His body brushed against hers as he rocked his hips back and forth. Her mews of pleasure reached a crescendo, until she came. And oh boy did she come, climaxing like never before, her sopping pussy clamping and milking his huge cock until he too released his seed with a shuddering groan.
    “Ty, Jesus, Ty.”
    Spent and exhausted, his sweat-covered body lay pressed against hers. His breathing was deep and labored as he rested his head wearily against her breast. Madison couldn’t resist tenderly stroking her fingers through his hair. Then the lights came back on.
    “Christ almighty, cowboy. And to think I never even noticed you when we were at high school together.”
    He lifted his head and gently kissed her on the lips, his breathing still not back to normal. “I was just a kid. A scrawny strip of piss back then, Madi.”
    Slowly he released her, letting her back down to the floor. Her legs felt like jelly, and she felt unsure they would take her weight. Her whole body shook—the aftereffects of adrenaline and the best fuck she’d ever had. Tyler must have noticed because he kicked away his damp jeans and then lifted her into his arms. Without asking permission he carried her up the stairs, two at a time.
    He strode straight into her bedroom. Kicked open the door to her private bathroom, and entered. Turning the shower on, he checked the water temperature with his fingertips, and then helped her out of what remained of her dress.
    He held the torn garment up. “Sorry, I’d mend it for you, but I can’t sew.”
    “That dress cost over two thousand dollars.” Madison had the satisfaction of watching Tyler’s mouth drop open.
    “You’re kidding, right?”
    She shook her head. “It’s a designer label.” Deciding to put him out of his misery, she put her hand on his. “Carson bought it for me. So I’m okay with it. Just don’t make a habit of ruining my clothes.”
    Tyler smiled as he lifted her into the shower. The warm water felt wonderful as it soothed her tired aching muscles.
    “There’s plenty of room for two, Ty. Come on in.”
    He joined her in the shower. “I loved fucking you, Madi.” He pulled her into his arms and delivered a kiss that made her knees tremble all over again.
    “I don’t want to get serious, Tyler. Carson really hurt me. He was a total shit. I won’t be used. I respect myself too much to let that happen again.”
    He poured shower gel into the palm of his hand and began working it into her butt crease and pussy. “Who said anything about getting serious? I’m sure we could come to some arrangement where we don’t put demands on one another.” It sounded like heaven to her, and then he said, “Why don’t you come and have dinner with Gabe and me? You’ll see he’s a really nice guy.” Madison felt her shoulders stiffen, and Tyler rubbed his hands down her arms, comforting her. “Now don’t go getting all worked up. When I say dinner that’s exactly what I mean. Nothing else. Not even a kiss.”
    Madison giggled. Tyler was such fun to be around. She pouted, and in her very best little girl voice, said, “Not even a little kiss from you?”
    He kissed her gently on the forehead. “Just a little one to let you know my intentions are honorable. You don’t need to worry about

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