Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Kayla Knight

Book: Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Kayla Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Knight
word. He’d never have believed him anyway.
    Her fingers sought his T-shirt, pulling it from his jeans. He helped her remove the sodden cloth, and as he flung it on the floor, her fingers smoothed over the naked flesh of his chest. A need so primal surged through his body. He twisted his hand into her beautiful blonde hair, pulling her head back to expose her throat. He feverishly licked her throbbing pulse and bit into the tender flesh. Her whimpers of satisfaction made his cock hardened steel.
    “You want me, Madi?” he whispered against her ear, nuzzling her neck once more.
    “Yes,” came her breathy answer.
    “I’m gonna fuck you right here.” He pressed her back against the wall. His cock twitched appreciatively in response to her passionate mews. If ever there was an aphrodisiac, the soft purring of a beautiful woman was it.
    “Do it now. Fuck me now.”
    He stared down at her breasts, which heaved so fucking sexily in her tight red dress. Not wanting to wait, or caring about the consequences, he clasped the neckline in his hands. Then he ripped it open, exposing her full breasts to his gaze. The sound of tearing material filled the hallway, drowning out the incessant noise of the rain that pounded against the roof and flowed down the windows. He roughly pulled the ruined garment apart. Somehow he knew he’d pay for that, but for now, Madi said nothing.
    She just cried out, “Yes.” Her back arched as he licked her areola. He sucked her nipple hard, nipping it with his teeth. She tasted so fucking sweet and feminine—pure ambrosia.
    Frantically her fingers slipped inside the waistband of his jeans, popping the button. She began sliding the zipper down. He guessed by the expression on her face she liked the sound it made. “What have you got hiding in here, cowboy?” Her eyes held his as she spoke.
    Madi bent down slipping the jeans from his hips, letting the damp material drop to his ankles. “Plenty? That’s an understatement, Ty.” Her gaze feasted on his fully erect cock. Her whole body writhed, and a soft moan escaped her lips. Tyler stroked a hand over his ramrod-hard shaft. “It’s all for you, honey.”
    Madi grasped his cock, wrapping her hand tightly around it, before vigorously pumping the swollen shaft. “My fingers won’t meet.”
    Tyler breathed in, trying to control his obvious arousal. He didn’t want to spill his seed in her hand. He wanted to be inside her, to feel his cock slide into her warm wet cunt, but not yet. With a flick of his wrist he dispatched her panties, tearing them from her trembling body. Madi was compliant as he pinned her back against the wall. Their skin melded together, flesh on flesh. His heat mixed with hers. His erection sandwiched between them, pushing and twitching restlessly against her belly. The moisture from his bell end wept into her navel.
    Tyler pressed his forehead against hers. He was so close. Her eyes, her smell, her femininity intoxicated him. Fuck, he wanted this woman. He looked down between their bodies. Her ample breasts rose and fell between them. He smoothed a hand down her thigh and lifted her leg, enjoying the silky feel of her skin beneath his fingertips.
    Tyler hooked her leg over his hip, sliding his hand down the creamy smooth skin to cup her buttock. Her back arched, giving him easy access to her nipples.
    He whispered against her breasts. “You were a real pricktease at school, Madi. Always thought you were better than anyone else. You drove all us boys fucking crazy with your prick-teasing ways. Now it’s payback time, honey.” Her baby-smooth, feminine slit drew his attention, and he moved the tip of his hard cock into her wet folds. It felt wonderful. His cock trapped in the V of her legs, just sliding against the entrance to her cunt. A soft moan escaped her lips. “You like that.”
    “Don’t tease me. You know I do. I want all of you.”
    His boyhood dream was about to come true. Night after night as a

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