off her rock
and crumpled to the ground. Before her senses left her, Kara had
the impression there was a green lady next to her.
    Da’Lynn paced back and forth in her chambers, clearly
agitated. After sending Kerlick off on his mission, she came to
find out Katrena had left the city. Messenger boys found Katrena
nowhere. Da’Lynn’s anger and rage manifested itself in various
ways, but it still did nothing to ease the situation.
    And now she was preparing the army to go forth. They
would start marching today. The elves would expect her to lead, as
she commanded them.
    “Mistress, we are ready.” A knock came at the door
delivering the message. Da’Lynn would have to worry about Katrena
later. She needed to be strong for the fight.
    In the courtyard, the soldiers assembled. All eyes
came upon Da’Lynn as she appeared before them. Her armor shined in
the bit of sunlight. Looking north, the sky darkened. Storm clouds.
They would be heading into the rain.
    She glanced west, feeling a slight pull to where the
magic lay. One minaret of the Palace of Nine peeked out from the
forest beyond Pajote. Da’Lynn hated to leave, being that close to
power, but the wraith would still survive on the chaos of war.
    Da’Lynn turned back to her army and raised her sword
arm. “Today we will take down the human enemies that dare attack
us. We will bring peace to the Territories!” A swell of cheers and
yells came from the mass assembled. Someone came and led her down
the steps to a white horse. A path parted as she made her way to
the head of the line and began the long march toward the wall.
    They barely made it to Snow’s house before the rain
came down in buckets. All were concerned about the fire, but Ynob
pushed them faster when he detected a storm in the air.
    “Is that another of your magic tricks?” Fret asked,
amazed the wizard could forecast the weather. Ynob gave the boy a
demeaning look and then pointed farther ahead in the sky. The
clouds looked very dark and ominous.
    Ynob missed getting wet while the others got slightly
damp. Fret was the only one that came in dripping. He was enjoying
his freedom again and hiked at his own pace. Snow made him dry off
before coming into the house.
    About five minutes later, there was a harsh knock on
the door. Snow froze, and Gantha looked equally frightened. Ynob
chuckled. “It is just your friends. Really, did you think the
soldiers would knock before coming in?”
    The wizard was right. As Snow opened the door Ra’na,
Jesset and Hambone fell through. All were wet, but not soaked.
Ra’na saw the question on Snow’s lips. “Shield charm. Kept some of
the water off for a few minutes.”
    “Is Kara here?” Jesset asked, looking around
    “Who?” Gantha asked perplexed.
    “No, we haven’t seen her. What happened?” Snow asked
while bringing towels to the new arrivals. Ra’na quickly filled the
wererabbit in.
    Fret stood back from the crowd, his eyes probably
large as he watched Hambone. This creature was new to him. The boy
watched the big beast come into the house. Hambone looked friendly,
but then thoughts of the Minotaurian at the slave auction
    “This is great and all, but can you please keep the
noise down as I have some work to do?” The wizard inquired of the
reuniting friends. All eyes looked at him, but they quickly went
back to talking. Ynob dropped his head and returned to his
    Gantha came to introduce himself. Fret came forward,
but halfway there he stopped. Ra’na came into view, and panic
struck. Quickly, he turned to run.
    “Wait…Wait!” Snow called out. “He’s met Katrena.”
    There was a bunch of ohs as this statement
explained his behavior. Snow caught up with Fret at the back door.
The boy was trying to decide if he really wanted to run off in the
rain. He turned and saw Snow.
    “How could you let her in here? What if the other one
is close by?” Fret was close to hysteria.
    Snow quickly

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