look for Snow,” Hambone said
    Ra’na was at a loss, but knew they had to go and
search for her. Quickly they scarfed down some leftover biscuits,
and then headed out. Hambone brought his club for protection, while
Ra’na had a hidden blade on her.
    Kara left no obvious trail, so they decided to head
toward Snow’s house. From there, they would try the wizard’s tree.
Off in the distance they heard a loud explosion. Ra’na climbed a
nearby tree to get a better view of what was going on.
    About two miles off, toward the wall, black smoke
billowed from the trees. Someone had set the forest on fire. Damn Kara, where are you?
    Ynob, Snow, Fret, and Gantha started the morning off
quickly. The previous night had seen some complications. Ynob
wanted to do more research on the ring before he left. The elf
decided to assist and soon the two were deep in an argument.
    Fret talked with Snow. He was amazed about her race
and ability to shift into an animal. Snow seemed to like the
attention and actually flirted with Fret. The wizard was still her
love, but she thought it was fun to be the center of attention.
    Before the group knew it, it was dark. They conceded
on leaving first thing in the morning. Gantha and the wizard stayed
up late, as their argument wasn’t resolved. Snow turned in early,
while Fret went exploring. There was so much he wanted to touch,
pick up, fiddle with, but he recalled the wizard’s warning. Fret
wasn’t sure the magic man could turn him into a goose, but he
really didn’t want to press his luck.
    Finally, sleep overcame the charm and wonder and Fret
collapsed on a nearby chair. In the morning, that is where he found
himself still. Snow had come out and covered him up sometime during
the night.
    After a small meal, the four of them found themselves
outside in the forest. Ynob had packed a few things, the tome and
ring, away in a pouch that easily fit into his pocket. The wizard
winked. “I like to travel light.”
    Before Lourak left, he took the horses to a stable in
Aladedas. Since Snow’s house was closer than the market, they
decided to make it their first stop.
    CAW! CAW!
    Reggie landed in a nearby tree next to Gantha. The
party looked toward the crow that held out its leg.
    “Really…the council needs to get a better method of
sending a message.” Ynob sneered as Gantha retrieved the note.
    “It’s not from the elves. It’s from Ra’na.” Snow came
forward to read the note. The crow watched them impatiently.
    “Human soldiers in the Territories? Euphoria?” Snow
said aloud. The wizard’s face instantly went stiff at the name.
    Fret came forward. “The queen is in the
    “Ra’na says the wall has been breached and the humans
are attacking. But that doesn’t make any sense,” Snow said, looking
at the rest of the group. She then noticed the wizard. “Ynob?”
    “It’s back.” Two words that instantly resonated fear.
Fret stared between the two, unsure of what was going on.
    The crow cawed, but everyone ignored it.
    “Um, what’s back?” Gantha asked, shooing the crow
away as it tried to peck at his hand.
    It was Snow that spoke, but not in answer to the elf.
“But, how? Kara drove the wraith out of Euphoria.”
    Ynob finally shook out of his shock. “I don’t know,
but this definitely complicates things.”
    The crow tried to get someone’s attention by cawing
and flapping its wings. Gantha finally turned around and yelled at
the bird. “What do you want?”
    “Ra’na promised it some of her biscuits,” Snow said
softly. She then spoke to the crow. “I’m sorry; I don’t have any
with me. If you meet us at my house later I can give you some.”
    With a disgruntled squawk, the bird flew off. Fret
watched it go up and then disappear among the trees. That was when
he noticed the odd smell.
    “Does anyone else smell smoke?”
    Taylon was with a scouting party when he heard the
explosion. He was much closer to the

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