The Breakup

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Book: The Breakup by Brenda Grate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Grate
Tags: Romance, Travel, Italy
big do you have to be to pick grapes?” And why couldn’t he tell me this himself?
    Nona laughed. “Not big, strong. You have to be strong to handle the work and being out in the heat all day.”
    Aja stiffened her back. “I’m strong.”
    Nona shook her head. “You don’t look very strong, though you seem like a nice girl.”
    “Nona, just give me the chance. I really need the job and there’s nothing else.” Aja had no idea if there was anything else to be had, but she was determined to get the job. She wasn’t going to let old “stick in the mud” stop her.
    Nona studied her for a moment, then turned and for the second time that morning, the door was shut in Aja’s face. She gritted her teeth in exasperation. It was six thirty in the freakin’ morning and she was standing on the front porch of an Italian villa with pretty windows, begging for a job. Wouldn't The Brothers laugh at her now?
    The door opened again and this time both Nona and the man Aja now knew was her son, stood in front of her with grave looks. Aja put on a brave face when what she really wanted to do was stick her tongue out at him and tell him to go procreate with himself. They studied her, conversing in rapid Italian, while Aja fought to keep a lid on her temper.  
    Finally, with a huge sigh of resignation, the ‘I’m better than anyone’, son threw up his hands and said, “Fine. Hire her. But don’t come complaining to me when she doesn’t last the day.” He walked away without looking at Aja.
    Nona turned to her again. “I’m sorry… what was your name again?”
    “Aja. Aja Rain.”
    Her face was inscrutable. “Aja. You can have the job. I’ll take you to Carlos who will show you how to prune the vines. We are cutting back the leaves to give the grapes more sun.”
    “Thank you, Nona. I really appreciate it.” It was hard, but Aja resisted the urge to hug her.
    Nona shrugged. Aja hoped the gesture meant she felt bad for what they’d put her through. She had a feeling, though, that it was resignation. She was probably thinking Aja wouldn’t last the day like her son said. Damn that man.
    Aja spent about three hours with Carlos before she began to notice her arms itching like crazy. She tried to scratch without him noticing, but after a while he turned to her and motioned at her arms. He wanted to see them. Aja sighed and held them out.
    When Carlos saw the bright red blotches and welts, he started babbling in Italian.  
    There was no mistaking the reaction. He dragged Aja back up the hill to the main house and pounded on the door. She was mortified. If Mr. ‘High and Mighty’ answered the door…  
    “What’s wrong, Carlos?”
    Aja moaned and hid her face in her hands. Of course he was still there. Why wasn’t he out in the fields where he should have been, tending the precious grape vines and watching every move his employees made? Why did he have to be there to witness her humiliation?
    Of course he looked pleased with himself. Carlos babbled at him and motioned toward Aja’s arms. ‘I Can Do No Wrong’ took her by the arm and waved Carlos away. He pulled her toward the back of the house.  
    Aja snatched her arm back and asked, “Where are you taking me?”
    “To the first-aid room. We need to put something on the rash.”
    Aja stopped and folded her arms. They itched and burned, but she was damned if she was going to let him know how uncomfortable she was. “I’m fine. Can I get back to work now?”
    He stared at her like she was a bad puppy that had just peed on the floor. “Are you crazy?”
    He laughed.
    Aja was surprised at the change that came over his face. The crease between his brows smoothed out, his eyes twinkled and he flashed a beautiful set of white teeth. They looked nice against his tanned skin. “I’m impressed with your stubbornness, but you need some salve. If you

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