The Secret of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 4)

Free The Secret of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 4) by Logan Rutherford

Book: The Secret of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 4) by Logan Rutherford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Logan Rutherford
Many of our forces are out on very important missions for us, including Leopold Renner, Thomas Frank, and Nathan Valorie, all three of which were part of the team sent to help you in Texas.”
    “Yes, I’m aware of who they are. You can’t just call them back?”
    Mr. Auder and Ms. Ava looked at each other. “No, we cannot,” Mr. Auder said.
    “Your team will help Ellie and Avery to dispel this small regime from our boarders,” Ms. Ava said.
    “How many people does this Jigsaw guy have with him?” Doug asked, speaking up for the first time. “My name’s Doug,” he said before Ms. Ava could opened her mouth to ask.
    “It’s a pleasure, Doug,” Ms. Ava said, although the look on her face made it seem like it was anything but. “Our sources indicate he has anywhere between eighteen and twenty-four Supers accompanying him.”
    I scoffed. “Well, that sounds like a walk in the park,” I said with a sarcastic tone.
    “I need your confirmation, Mr. Andrews,” Ms. Ava said. “Can you or can you not help us?”
    I looked at Selena and the rest of the group. They all seemed to be game. “Any objections?” I asked them. They all shook their heads. “Alright then, I guess it seems like we’ll be helping you.”


Puzzle Pieces


The Lonely Super
    Sometime during the 21 st century…
    T he future looked far worse than Athena had imagined. She walked among the destroyed city, both in awe of the technological and architectural advancements, while at the same time in shock over the fact that it all laid in ruins. She stepped across broken glass and over twisted metal beams. The shoes she wore were a pair of blue and white ones that had a check mark on them. She’d found them amongst the rubble, in awe of how comfortable they were.
    In the time since she’d discovered her powers, she’d traveled to the future many times. But never this far. Something terrible had obviously happened, and Athena felt a sadness grow within her. She’d seen many amazing things, gone to many beautiful places, but this was not one of them. Death and destruction surrounded her for as far as the eye could see.
    What type of place had the beautiful Earth she called home turned to? She had the immense blessing to see it from many different places, and many different times. But this was the first place and time that she wished that she never saw. She knew it was going to color everything she saw, everyplace she went, from there on out. She’d never again be able to look at a beautiful landscape without thinking that all the death and destruction that now surrounded her would be what it would all come to. She wouldn’t be able to look at someone’s beautiful child without thinking that his or her descendants would one day inherit this Earth, an Earth marred by decay and destruction. An Earth that didn’t live up to the beauty and standards that she’d experienced for herself firsthand.
    As she looked out upon this desolate future, something flew down from the sky fast and hard, landing nearby. Athena took a step backwards, her mind ready to go back to her time just in case danger was approaching. What was that? She wondered. She looked up at a nearby building that she imagined once towered tall into the sky, was now nothing more than a pile of rubble. Something must’ve fallen from the top of the pile, which was still a long ways up.
    “Who are you?” a voice said from behind her.
    Athena practically jumped from her skin. She spun around, almost tripping on a piece of rebar that sat next to her foot. In front of her stood a young looking man, probably almost twenty. He stood before her, his clothes tattered and eyes glowing. She opened her mouth to speak but the words wouldn’t come.
    “Are you real?” the man asked, taking a step forward.
    “Y-yes,” she answered, moving back. “I’ve never seen another one like me before.”
    The man cocked his head. “Like you?”
    Athena concentrated on her eyes, and they began to

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