"Well, I didn't kill him.” Ty grinned. “We watched movies, and he and that little gal played some. How do you live with that, man?"
Jamie laughed. “Oh, he's weird and all, but harmless. How goes wolf biology?"
"Pretty good. You like wolves?” He watched Jamie carefully for a reaction. If the guy didn't know he had the gene, he might be scared of wolves, not knowing why he was drawn to them.
What he got was hunched shoulders and a pinched frown. “I don't dislike them, as a rule. I just don't want to be out in the boonies running with them or anything."
Ah. Ty bit back a chuckle. This one probably knew exactly what he was and was trying to run away, which explained his dulled senses and lack of recognition Jamie had for another of his kind. Too cute.
"I like them. They have a great social structure. Everyone has a thing they do."
Jamie snorted. “They're as closed-minded as any small town, and a little grumpy if someone falls out of line with what the alpha wants for them.” Jamie blinked, then shrugged. “Or so I've read."
"Uh-huh. You read a lot?"
Jamie's mouth took on a mulish straightness. “I do. Is that a problem?"
"No.” He put a hand on Jamie's back, letting the man feel the heat of his palm. “I'm just making conversation. I like you and want to get to know you. I'm not judging."
Jamie relaxed, tense muscles loosening. “Sorry. I get a little sideways about things sometimes. My family is very tight-knit and disapproving. I always feel like people are pushing."
"No problem."
"So, do you not like coffee?"
It was Ty's turn to blink. “Huh?'
"I saw you. Waiting outside. I forgot when I saw Mandy, which was why you surprised me. But you were waiting for me, right? Why not inside?"
"Oh.” Wow, the kid wasn't as unaware as Ty had thought. “It's a little like catnip to me. Coffee. Overwhelms me."
"I used to be like that.” Jamie was grinning again now, looking relaxed. Touchy little bastard. “I got over it once I moved to Boulder, you know? Coffee is a thing here."
"I know. Does it seem stalkery? Me waiting out here?"
"I don't know. Are you stalking me?” One eyebrow rose almost to Jamie's hairline.
"It seemed easier than trying to get to know you by gaming with Anton. I don't like to use people like that, and more sessions might just get him killed."
"Anything is easier than that.” Jamie stopped at a little park table, the kind with the attached benches. “I have a few minutes if you want to talk."
Talk. Lord. “Sure.” They sat, and Ty was pleased that the table was small enough to really be close, even sitting across the way. He was a big guy.
"Cool. So, why wolves?"
"I feel a kinship.” Man, he couldn't believe that Jamie hadn't caught on yet. “Why Anton?"
"As a roommate you mean?” At his nod, Jamie shrugged. “He answered my ad first. It's a good location. I didn't know he was a werewolf fan until we moved in together. That might have been a deal breaker otherwise."
"I bet.” Anton would make Ty want to kick his ass out in about three hours. “What do you do for fun?"
"Coffee. Movies. I read.” Jamie gave him a wry grin. “I'm dull. What about you?"
"I like to have sex."
Jamie choked on his coffee, and Ty bit back a bark of laughter. God, he loved to get a rise out of people. Those sharp cheeks went a dull red. “Do you dance naked under the moon, too?"
"Occasionally. I gotta admit, though, that I don't do the whole Gaia and the wyrm thing. I don't get it."
"Good.” Jamie eyed him, chewing that lovely little lower lip for a moment. “Do you have sex with men?"
"I do. That's my very favorite thing.” It was, too. Better than bacon, even.
"Is that why you're stalking me?"
"Not to put too fine a point on it, yes.” Might as well be up front. There was something about Jamie, about the way he moved, the way he smelled, that made Ty want to rut with him. Made him want to climb on top of that lean body and spread Jamie's legs and just
S.R. Watson, Shawn Dawson