Mackie's Men
    Liam agreed, right down to the week long bed stint. John had been researching scars and had identified most of Mackie’s injuries to his own satisfaction, and had shared his findings with both of them. The three of them had then made a timeline and cross-referenced the information in the reports like any good stalkers would do. Officially she was considered a semi-retired security consultant, yet they could find no contact information, and her trail went cold when she left the hospital.
    They’d met her, now that they knew where to find her, they would need to find out more about her, and from the one meeting they’d had, getting ideas on how to integrate her into their sphere wasn’t going to be easy. Then again, they didn’t want easy, they wanted a permanent partner.

Chapter Seven
    It hadn’t taken him long to call , was her first thought. Mackie had been waiting to see if he would take advantage of knowing where she could be contacted. Now she knew that Liam was as interested in her as she was with him. When he’d called this morning, she was still surprised he asked her to meet with him at Drysdale’s Pub & Brew House. He must want this meeting to be a personal one, and she was nervous for the first time in a very long time. It had been so long since she’d been on a real date with a man that she couldn’t remember it. The man was as forgettable as the events on that date.
    This date was different, she was already attracted to Liam Klinger. The only fly in the ointment so to speak was that she had also been thinking about Darryl Reynolds and of course the gorgeous Dr. John Fielding, almost as much as she’d thought about Liam Klinger.
    She had the advantage of knowing who they were to begin with, and had done background checks on all three men. Darryl Reynolds was forty-one years old, and six foot three inches tall. From the pictures she’d seen, she knew he had several intricate tattoos decorating his thickly muscled shoulders, arms, and back. He probably outweighed the other two in just muscle alone. He had blue eyes and close-cropped brown hair and a set of lips that gave her thoughts that were X-rated. He was also a former Navy SEAL. He was divorced and had two half-siblings that still contacted him when they wanted something. His reputation in the industry was impeccable in the security community.
    Dr. John Fielding was thirty-eight years old, six foot four, and by her estimation two hundred thirty pounds. Blue eyes and his hair was a light brown, almost blond in color. He was considered a bit of a genius. He had served in a field hospital during the invasion of Iraq, and added a second tour in Afghanistan. He was graceful, and watching him workout on the horse and rings in the video she’d seen had been a pleasure. He had two groupings of tattoos, but the only one she could make out from the video had puzzled her. His forte as she’d read was in researching antidotes and developing vaccines against chemical weapons.
    Liam Kennedy Klinger was the second son born to Drummond and Teresa Klinger. His older brother was Thornton Kennedy Klinger. From all accounts even the sister, Carla, was saddled with their mother’s maiden name of Kennedy for a middle name.
    He was six feet four inches tall, thirty-six years old, and had reddish brown hair and blue eyes. He was also built almost as big as Darryl was. He had a few tats on his chest and shoulders, but he didn’t have nearly the intricate artwork that Darryl sported. He too had been in the Middle East fighting. Only he hadn’t been on the ground, he flew a bomber jet, and had a string of ribbons and medals to match his exploits. When he’d told her the three of them weren’t helpless, he hadn’t been lying.
    The pictures in the dossier on her desk showed the three men at the gym, in a dojo, and in a wrestling ring. She knew that every man owned several guns, and those were just the ones that were registered to them. They were

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