Love Unbound

Free Love Unbound by Angela Castle

Book: Love Unbound by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
approached. Her
heart fluttered, her skin tingling with awareness. What he could do to her with
a simple look, a smile and a kiss. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.
    “Hello, Brendon. I doubt
you’re here to borrow a book.” She was proud of the way she kept her tone
    “Well, I don’t know.
Do you have any books about getting someone you love to forgive you?”
    Jay felt her eyes
widen. He couldn’t be serious. “These are for you.” He extended his arms, so
she was forced to take the roses into hers. Her mouth dropped open in stunned
disbelief. What was going on? What was he up to? Where was the control freak
Dom she was used to?
    “ Th …
Thank you, they’re beautiful.”
    With his arms now free,
he strode around the end of the counter into her personal space, forcing her
head to tilt back to look up at him.
    “I know I messed up,
big time, and sorry means little, without a way to prove it. I’m a fool to have
pushed you out of my life, and not because of the baby. I love you, Jay Becket;
I think I have for a while.”
    “Y… you love me?” she
stammered, a lump tightening her throat as tears pricked at the back of her
    “Yes, I love you. I
was just too blinded by grief and pain to see it. I want what you want, you,
the baby, everything.”
    She couldn’t tear her
gaze away from his beautiful, chocolate eyes gazing back at her with the love
he proclaimed. He suddenly lifted his hand, opening his fingers. In his palm
sat a little, black box.
    “Can you forgive my
foolishness; give us a chance at happiness and marry me?” He opened the box
with a flick of his fingers, revealing a beautiful, inset diamond ring,
sparkling in the overhead library lights.
    Jay gasped, as her
heart dropped into her belly and shock rolled through her; this was the last
thing she ever expected Brendon to do.
    “Oh, my god, that’s so
    Jay heard the awe in
Emma’s tone.
    Jay glanced around to
see they had quite a few spectators. Brendon leaned in closer, his lips by her
ear, bringing her focus back to him, his hot breath and fresh sandalwood scent
hitting her senses. “I want to own you from head to toe. Be my sub, my wife, my everything . In return, I pledge my heart and soul to you,
forever. It is what Ryan wanted, and more than anything, it is what I want.”
    Overcome, she threw
her arms around him, crushing the roses between their bodies. Jay didn’t care.
    “Yes,” she whispered.
“Oh yes, I love you, too.” Brendon’s mouth covered hers in a deep, passionate,
controlling kiss. A round of applause and cheers broke out around them. Brendon
pulled back and grinned.
    “Think you could get
the rest of the day off? I need to show you just how much I love you, tied
naked to my bed.”
    Jay giggled and felt
heat creep into her cheeks, as the image of her naked, tied up at her master’s
mercy flashed through her mind. “Well, when you put it that way, I’m sure they
will allow me the rest of the day off.”
    “I’ve missed you and
I’ve got a lot to make up for.”
    She gazed into his
eyes. “Yes, you do.”

months later…
    “What have I told you
about carrying heavy things?” Brendon growled when he saw Jay carting a box
into the house. He walked down the hall, relieving her of her burden.
    “Ryan’s mom gave me
his things, from when he was a baby. I can’t believe she kept all this stuff.”
    Brendon set the box on
the living room table, opening it. Jay smiled, lifting a stars and moon cot
mobile from the box.
    “Are you sure you want
to use this?” She could hear the emotion in Brendon’s voice.
    “I think he would want
us to.” She set the mobile down, turning to wrap her arms around her husband’s
    Leaning in to nuzzle
at his neck, she knew how to divert his attention from sad thoughts. “Master,”
she purred, low and throaty.
    His breathing hitched
and his arms came about her. “Little blue jay, are you sure you’re up

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