Who Do I Lean On?

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Book: Who Do I Lean On? by Neta Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neta Jackson
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you’re thinking of buying property, don’t you want to look at some single family homes? Or a condo here in the city? You don’t have to jump into anything right away. The apartment you’re renting is sufficient as far as your legal case is—”
    â€œIt’s not about my custody case.” I squirmed a bit in my chair. “It’s that building. I want to buy a six-flat. And live in the building. It’s all part of this idea . . .” Taking a deep breath, I told Lee about my idea of purchasing a building that would provide second-stage housing for some of the homeless moms at Manna House, real apartments where they could be a family with their kids, not sharing bunk rooms in an emergency shelter. “I even have a name for it. The House of Hope.” I grinned. Just saying the name triggered goose bumps up my arms.
    Lee blew out a breath. “Whew. When you get an idea, you don’t waste any time jumping out of the starting gate, do you!” He leaned forward, his eyes searching mine. “Gabby, it’s okay to take some time to get yourself squared away before jumping into such a big financial commitment.” He cocked his head. “How much are we talking about here anyway? Your inheritance, I mean.”
    â€œUh, well, my share of my parents’ life insurance is two hundred thousand, plus another fifty when the sale on their house closes—and that’s after Mom’s attorney pays the inheritance taxes. My aunt is buying the house, so it’s a sure thing.”
    His eyebrows went up. “Two hundred fifty thousand? That’s it?”
    â€œWell, yes. Of course I wouldn’t put all of it toward the building. But that’s why I need some financial advice. How much would I need for a down payment? And what would be the best way to do something like that? I mean, should I just make a major donation to Manna House, earmarked for purchase of this building? Seems like that would save me a lot on taxes. Or should I use my money as a down payment on the building and buy it myself ? I mean, two hundred thousand would be a substantial down payment, wouldn’t it?”
    Lee threw up his hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Gabby, slow down. Look, I’m not a financial adviser, but as your lawyer, I would not advise you to give away the major portion of your inheritance like that. Really, you need some sound financial advice, someone who can help you invest your money, make it work for you. That’s not a large inheritance—it’s nice, but it doesn’t put you on easy street.”
    I stared at him. Words rushed to the tip of my tongue, like foot soldiers defending my idea, but I pushed them back, afraid my voice would quiver.
    Lee’s voice softened. “Gabby, I’m not just speaking as your lawyer, but as your friend. I really care about what happens to you and your boys. And this . . . this idea just doesn’t seem wise. Noble, yes. But let’s get things settled with the custody case, follow through on your divorce, give yourself some time. And as I said before, the divorce settlement could give you a nice financial footing as well.”
    Divorce . Why did he keep bringing that up? As for time . . . “No, there’s not plenty of time,” I said, tipping my chin up. “Not if someone else buys the six-flat in the meantime. I don’t think you understand. This House of Hope is very important to me. It has to be that building. I’m already living there. It’s close to Manna House. It’s for sale. I’m going to be talking to the Manna House board on Saturday, and I wanted your advice how best to go about it. But if you’re just going to shoot it down . . .” I stood up. “Maybe I’d better go.”
    â€œGabby, wait.” Lee got up and came around his desk. “Please sit.”
    I slowly sat back down as he perched on the edge of his desk.
    â€œOkay. I hear you. This

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