The Galilean Secret: A Novel

Free The Galilean Secret: A Novel by Evan Howard

Book: The Galilean Secret: A Novel by Evan Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evan Howard
have to decide how to handle him.”
    “I agree that he sounds suspicious,” Brother Gregory said. “I’ve never met him, and if he’s so demanding, I would rather not.”
    “I must go,” Abbot Zeno said, turning toward the door. Karim noticed the abbot’s eyes darting to the laptop again as he said, “I hope to see you soon, Brother Gregory. I sometimes think you are more hermit than monk. With all the writing you do, I fear you are trying to become as prolific as our great Saint John Chrysostom.”
    After Abbot Zeno had left and closed the door, Karim stood and grabbed Brother Gregory’s shoulder. “Why did you admit that you’re translating a scroll from Qumran? You may have raised the abbot’s suspicions.”
    “He knows of my previous work on Qumran texts, so he shouldn’t think anything of it.”
    Karim shook his head, his lips compressing into a thin line. “The archaeologist fits the description of the man who attacked me at Qumran. He’s ruthless, and he may be searching for the scroll by tracking down possible translators. Keep your guard up.”
    Brother Gregory’s eyes bore into Karim’s. “Perhaps we should go to the police or the Government Antiquities Agency.”
    “You know I can’t do that. The Palestinian police answer to my father’s militia—he would find me for sure. If we went to the Israelis, they would confiscate the scroll and we would never see it again. I need more time to decide what to do.”
    “And I need time to finish the translation.” Brother Gregory went to the desk, retrieved the copy he had made for Karim and held it out to him. “I suggest you keep this unfinished translation with you and read it often. I hope you’ll eventually find the courage to share its insights. In the meantime, I’ll keep working.”
    Karim hesitated, his arms frozen at his sides. He agreed that the letter contained shocking revelations and powerful wisdom, but he couldn’t be sure it was authentic, and he was determined not to get involved with a hoax. He considered not accepting the translation. Perhaps he should flee Bethlehem and never return. Go to Ramallah or even Hebron. Forget the scroll. Start a new life.
    But he was curious about the letter and the secret it contained. A secret so provocative that he couldn’t get it out of his thoughts. Perhaps the letter had become his destiny in a way that was impossible to shun or deny. As he considered what to do, warmth suffused his body. He felt as if the letter were calling to him without giving him the option of saying no.
    He took the translation and folded and stuffed it into his pocket. “ As-Salaamu ‘alayka ,” he said to Brother Gregory. “Peace be upon you.”

    Roman Times
    JUDITH TRIED TO SWALLOW BUT FOUND HER THROAT TIGHT, AS IF HER TONGUE HAD SWOLLEN IN HER MOUTH. She stared down, not wanting any of the other sixteen women at Qumran to notice the tears stinging her eyes. She was helping them set out dinner for the thirty-eight men: the rich, wheat-scented aroma of the freshly baked barley loaves had reminded her of home. How I long for its security and comforts , she thought as she laid out the loaves and goat cheese.
    After three weeks with the Zealots at the Dead Sea, her wedding night with Dismas seemed as far away as Reuben’s brief, magical childhood. Both times were like spring in her memory, blossoming and warmed by a golden sun. The morning after they exchanged their vows, she and Dismas had made love in the pink-orange dawn, their passion heightened by its risky and forbidden nature. Each time Dismas had come to her, he filled a bit more of her loneliness with his strength and the promise of justice and freedom. They told stories, drank wine and laughed with the carefree joy she had known only with Reuben.
    She and Dismas had spent the morning in each other’s arms, eating grapes and figs as he shared his plans for the future. He promised

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