Angel's Revenge

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Book: Angel's Revenge by Teri Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teri Woods
     Qwan emphasized with his open palms.
    “He wasn’t a devil, Qwan, and you know it! Your fuckin’ conscience just wants to make him your scapegoat! Dutch was your friend
     and you sold him out!” Angel spat.
    “Friend? He was a conniving manipulator! A… a… deceiver and a cold-blooded murderer and a bastard who didn’t deserve to live!
     If you want to know the truth, I’m glad he’s dead! I’m glad to be rid of him. Friend! He was never my friend,” Qwan spewed
     before collapsing on the couch.
    His spirit felt much lighter, having finally spoken his true feelings.
    Angel didn’t speak for a moment, and when she did, she began calmly.
    “Do you think I’m a devil too, Qwan?”
    “God is the best of judges.”
    “How about a friend? Are we still friends?”
    Angel’s tone made Qwan open his eyes and look at her.
    “I don’t have anything against you, Angel.”
    “Liar.” She playfully giggled. “I think you do, Qwan, because, after all you said, you left out one thing.”
    “What’s that?”
    A smirk played on Angel’s lips. “I think you were jealous,” she stated simply.
    Qwan eyed her incredulously. “Jealous of who, him?”
    “It’s okay to say his name, honey. He’s gone, remember? Yes him. Dutch. You were jealous of my devotion to Dutch.”
    Qwan quivered with laughter, shaking his head, “That’s absurd.”
    “Is it? I remember when you first saw the BMW I saved for Dutch. The hate in your eyes, wondering why I didn’t save one for
     you, too.”
    Qwan didn’t speak. He also remembered the BMW and the envy he had felt, wishing he had one as well.
    “And I remember how you used to watch me when you thought I wasn’t looking. Do you remember that, Qwan?”
    She was initiating the cat-and-mouse, a game she had mastered. Qwan looked at her curiously.
    “I was young. We were young and of course I looked at you, you were pretty and…”
    “Am I still?”
    “Still what?”
    “Pretty?” Angel asked provocatively, standing up and crossing the room to sit on the couch next to him. Qwan watched her,
     growing more nervous by the moment.
    “Why does that matter now?” he asked, but Angel ignored the question.
    “I remember how you used to be around me. I could tell you wanted to say things then that you were afraid to say. Do you still
     want to say them?” Her tongue tickled the “th” in
, seductively.
    Qwan stood up quickly, knees trembling. “That was a long time ago.”
    “And I was a little girl then, but…” she said as she purposely uncrossed her legs so Qwan could see what was between them.
     “I’m a woman now, and I’m all alone in this cold world,” she said as she got up and moved closer to him.
    “Wh… what are you doing?” Qwan asked, wide-eyed.
    “Whatever you want me to.” She smiled as she caressed his face.
    Qwan jerked away from her. “No! I… I don’t want you to do anything besides leave,” he retorted, attempting to sound firm,
     but his tremor gave him away.
    “Really?” Angel giggled. “Your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak?” she remarked, referring to his tented trousers.
    Qwan swallowed hard and adjusted his crotch. “Get out!” he yelled out of embarrassment that she could so easily arouse his
    “Get out or… or…”
    “Or what?” Angel taunted. “What will you do if I don’t?”
    He stormed over to the door and threw it open with a bang. “I’ll throw you out myself!”
    Angel groaned so sweetly it played up and down Qwan’s spine like a chill.
    “We’ll see,” was all she replied as she slowly shook the spaghetti straps off her shoulders. Her dress fell to the floor,
     and she stood there, her pecan nakedness exposed to him.
    Qwan gulped audibly. He feasted his eyes on her heavy, round breasts and tight stomach that vee’d to her shaved pussy.
    “Now, how can you throw me out of a church like this?” Angel smiled.
    “P-p-please, Angel, please put your clothes back on,” Qwan

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