Angel's Revenge

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Book: Angel's Revenge by Teri Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teri Woods
begged, trying to tear his eyes away from her thighs.
    “You’ve waited fifteen years to see this. Well, here it is, baby, and it’s all yours.”
    Angel took him by the hand.
    “Don’t,” he whimpered, attempting no resistance as she placed his hands on her breasts. It was the closest Qwan had ever been
     to heaven. Dreams of Angel had defined his young adulthood. His every boyhood fantasy was made of what his nerve endings were
     feeling now.
    “Exactly. Let me please you.”
    Qwan pulled his hand away. “No, I can’t do this.”
    “No? Well can you do this?” Angel folded her body into his and kissed him, sucking in his breath and giving him her succulent
     tongue to taste. To him, it was like strawberry cream, and he sucked her tongue like a lollipop. Angel led him over to the
     couch and laid him down. She positioned herself on top of him, gyrating her hips, bringing him to the verge of wettin’ all
     over himself.
    “What do you want, Qwan?” Angel whispered in his ear.
    “I… I want…” Qwan lay with his eyes closed, torn between spirit and flesh, unable to answer.
    “Tell me, baby. Tell me how much you want me, how much you’ve always wanted me,” she urged, darting her tongue in and out
     his ear, all the while squeezing his manhood through his trousers. Qwan groaned with desire.
    “Tell me,” she demanded through clenched teeth.
    The dam of his righteous resistance broke and flooded him with desire.
    “Yes,” he admitted, looking her in the face, eyes full of lust, “I’ve always wanted you, Angel. Stay with me. I’ll make you
     godly if you make me whole.”
    Qwan knew this was a test of faith, and he knew he had failed. He just didn’t know that his failure would cost him his life.
     He was too far gone to see the ice form in Angel’s eyes, frozen rigid marbles that tensed her body.
    “Are you ready to give yourself to me?” he asked lustfully, taking her breast in his mouth.
    She watched him sucking on her breast for a moment, totally detached, numb to any thought except murder. She lifted his head
     with her hand and bent to lick him from his ear to his neck and around to the other side. He never saw the thin steel razor
     she flipped from her tongue and into her clenched teeth. He was too busy trying to palm her ass.
    The razor slit his throat from ear to ear. He felt no pain but heard the gurgling sound of his blood spewing from his body.
    He grabbed for his throat, eyes wide with frantic fear and amazement. He had cum in his pants the very instant his life began
     to leak all over the burgundy carpet. Angel slowly rose and watched him suffer.
she hissed. “You hid behind God because you were afraid to be the devil,” she accused and spat on his convulsing body. “Your
     repentance ain’t accepted, Reverend. Forgiveness denied.”
    He tried to get up but was too weak. All he could do was fall facedown in a pool of his own blood at Angel’s red stiletto
    “Judas,” was her single-word eulogy.
    Angel slid her dress back on, not stopping to wipe the splattered blood from her body. She wore it like a badge of honor.
    She walked out of the office and down the stairs, using the ends of her dress to open and close the door. She crossed the
     parking lot to Goldilocks, who was waiting patiently in a Jag.
    As she got in the driver’s side, she removed the blonde wig, unpinned her hair, and shook it out to its full length. Goldilocks
     studied her. She had never seen this side of Angel before. Goldilocks wiped the small spots of blood from her lover’s face
     with a napkin.
    “Death before dishonor?” Goldilocks inquired directly.
    “Amen,” replied Angel.
    They pulled off, girlish giggles floating in the air in their wake.
    “We fucked up, yo. He got away.”
    Duke couldn’t believe the words he was hearing on the other end of the phone.
    “Fuck you mean ‘got away’?” he barked back.
    Ty was on the other end, too shaken to

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