
Free Intercepted by J Q Anderson

Book: Intercepted by J Q Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Q Anderson
relentless. His expert tongue slides in and out
of me, torturing me, driving me insane. God , is it possible to feel this
much. He doesn ’ t stop and I ’ m already climbing, panting, clutching his hair as I moan a pleading. He then slips his fingers inside me, swirling
them as his tongue pushes me beyond anything I ’ ve ever experienced.
    And I ’ m lost.
    I come like a freight train, screaming his name. He ’ s immediately on top of me and thrusts inside me
before I can take a breath. His mouth smothers mine and he starts to move. God .
He fills me completely as he rocks in and out of me. I ’ m in ecstasy. The way he moves is inebriating and
even though I ’ m spent I completely surrender.
It ’ s heaven and hell all at once. My body is
exhausted and yet, I want more.
    I want all of him.
    I start to climb again and he groans in appreciation. The sound ripples
through me and I clench my hands in his hair, pressing myself against him. He
moves faster, faster, and I start tightening again. Jesus .
    “That ’ s right, baby. Let go.” His
low, hoarse voice is my undoing and I explode around him, weightless. Free.
    There ’ s nothing else.
    Just Jake.
    He rolls onto his back. We are both panting. Sweat and sex in the air. It ’ s intoxicating and I smile because I ’ ve never been happier.
    He then turns on his side, propping up on his elbow. He ’ s smiling at me. I ’ m smiling at him.
    “That will be two thousand dollars,” he says.

    I wake up with a jolt.
    What the hell?
    I look around the room, disoriented. I am breathing hard and my tank-top
is drenched in sweat. Jesus . I ’ m still
trembling with the aftershocks of my orgasm. I close my eyes and press my
forehead to my palm, rubbing off the flashes of the still vivid dream.
    When I finally open my eyes, the nightstand clock tells me it ’ s nine in the morning.
    Shit .
    I have never had a wet dream before and I am suddenly embarrassed. Good
thing Dani is not here and Jake ’ s most
likely gone by now.
    A memory of his lips grazing my neck while we were dancing flashes in my
mind, sending goose bumps down my arms. I push it away. Dammit. This is a
runaway train. I need to see Marc.
    I open my laptop, my hands unsteady from the dream, and get on the
airline website. Whatever it will cost me, I am buying a ticket to Los Angeles.
I need to see Marc this weekend. The fares are astronomical, but the blood
still pulsing behind my ears convinces me it ’ s the right thing to do. If I can get one of the
other girls to switch shifts with me I can leave as soon as tomorrow.
    I decide I have a good chance of getting my shift
covered and buy a ticket for tomorrow night. I want to text Marc so he can pick
me up at the airport, but then resolve to surprise him. I can take a cab for
the 5 mile ride to his home in Manhattan Beach. I know he will be at home all
weekend preparing for a presentation. He works way too much and before pitches
he doesn ’ t go out at all, so it ’ s almost a given he will stay in, even though it
will be Friday night when I arrive.
    Ten minutes later I am booked on the 3:45 pm flight that will get me to
LAX by seven in the evening.
    I can breathe.
    Dani startles me as she barges into the room dressed in workout clothes.
She frowns and pulls out one of her earphones.
    “What the hell?”
    “ You look … I don’ t know. Weird. Unhinged. Wait .” Her eyes widen. “Is it in any way related to
last night? OMG tell me right now.”
    “Dani.” I frown. “No. I told you. Last night was just… dinner.”
    She shakes her head. “ I don’ t
believe you. Spit it out.”
    I get up from the chair and plop back on the bed. “I need to see Marc. I
am going crazy.”
    “I knew it!”
    “Dani. Stop. I ’ m not joking.
This sucks. I was happy with everything until I met Jake.”
    “Do you like him? I mean, who would blame you. He ’ s fucking gorgeous.”
    I let out a long sigh. “ I don’ t
do that, Dani. You

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