Zara's Curse (Empire of Fangs)

Free Zara's Curse (Empire of Fangs) by Andrew Domonkos

Book: Zara's Curse (Empire of Fangs) by Andrew Domonkos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Domonkos
    “The plaque.   I took one step towards him and almost passed out.   It protected him.   And then I heard Drake and you arguing …I had to make sure you were okay.   Drake figured out who I was, and I knew they would come after me the minute my guard was down.”  
    Zara looked up from the pavement at her friend. “I’m sorry…I should have listened to you,” she whispered.   She took his hand in hers.   His hand was very warm, or hers was quite cold, she couldn’t be sure.
    Twig sniffed and put his aviators back on and then looked up towards the sky.   “Let’s get you inside.   We have to go over the plan.”


    Zara put on a pair of red leggings, a black leather skirt, and a black halter-top.   Twig had suggested the outfit, saying: “He may be a vampire, but he’s still a guy.”   She would have protested had she not thought she looked pretty good.
    He also had her drink a concoction, something his father had invented before he was hauled away.   Twig said he found it in the basement when he was clearing out the old house.   A few old water bottles filled with the stuff in a dusty box.   There was a cryptic note that accompanied the bottles indicating that it would slow the mutation.   At the time Twig had just chalked it up to his father’s illness.   Later, when he had his first encounter with an actual vampire, he learned how sane his father actually was.  
    It took a little coaxing but Zara drank it down.   The potion would supposedly negate hypnosis, and slow her…transformation.   Twig said it was how he resisted the many charms of the Casparis during the party.   He said it would be harder for her though, since she was…infected.  
    They went over the plan together.   Zara would keep Micah busy at the museum while Twig slipped into the Caspari mansion, where he would find and destroy Damon.   Her part was easy enough, she thought.   Twig told her he had to prepare and left her in her apartment to pace and worry.   Night came quickly, and before she knew it, Micah was at her door.
    Micah told Zara she looked stunning and then opened the passenger door for her.   She slid herself into the passenger seat.   “No Stella tonight?” She said, trying to hide her nervousness.  
    “Vivian advised I take the Porsche,” Micah said.   “Said it was much more dignified .”   He went around the car and got in the driver’s side and started the car.
    Zara took out a compact and pretended to touch up her eyeliner.   She wanted to avoid eye contact as much as she could.   She was a horrible liar, and felt like Micah would see right through her.   The inside of the car felt cold.   Sterile.   All cold black leather and glowing neon lights.
    Micah picked up his IPod, ignoring the road.   A minute later Arcade Fire’s ‘Wake Up’ started playing loudly over the speakers.   He turned it down a bit so he didn’t have to talk over it.
    “This exhibit is supposed to be amazing.   It’s all about the Spanish inquisition, lots of freaky torture stuff.”   He smiled at her and she met his gaze.   She was still entranced by him, by his manner and his…aura.    Micah ran a red light, purposely, and chuckled.   “Drake and his date will be there too.   I know you guys didn’t really hit it off, but he’s really a great guy.   I just want us all to get along.   One big happy family.”
    Zara was mortified, but put on a brave smile, “His date?”
    “Your pal Abby.   Guess they’re an item now.” Micah turned the music back up as he flew through another red light.
    A pit formed in her stomach.   She wondered if it was her nerves, or if she was just hungry.


    Twig stood at the big iron gate of the Caspari mansion.   He had checked on Vivian—she was still at her ballroom dancing class downtown—and Micah and the rest of his coterie were with Zara at the museum.   He

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