Hardball: A Sports Romance

Free Hardball: A Sports Romance by Alexa Reiss

Book: Hardball: A Sports Romance by Alexa Reiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Reiss
to be touched.
        The first stroke of a finger through the fabric of her underwear sent Arabella’s senses spiraling out of control. A gasp tore through her throat at the tortuously slow stroking that followed. Hot lips pressed against her cheek in a fluttering kiss.
        “Do you want this?” He murmured into her ear.
         The heat building in her lower belly was unbearable. She squirmed against Chance’s fingers in desperation to keep up the feeling. 
         “Yes,” she whispered. “Please, Chance.”
        “Say it again,” he commanded with a growl, those wicked fingers slowing down in their rhythm again. “Tell me what you want.”
        “Please,” she cried out. “I want you. That’s what I want.”
        Within a matter of seconds, Chance ripped her shirt and bra off with one clean tug over her head. He lavished her breasts with attention next with his fingers, expertly needing the flesh beneath his palms. A fingertip ghosted the tip of her nipple before rubbing there lightly until Arabella couldn’t take it any longer. She leaned up on her elbows to nip at the skin between Chance’s shoulder and neck to taste the salty skin there. Hungrily, he returned the gesture by biting at the swell of her breasts before a warm and heat enveloped her nipple, a tongue swirling there teasingly followed by suckling. The sensation caused Arabella to cry out and bite her lip from the fervor threatening to tear through her skin.
         His fingers hooked into the hemline of her underwear to tug them down. He moved his hand, parting her moist center, before setting a rough rhythm. She moved against him helplessly as the small bundle of nerves twitched in hot waves of pleasure that crashed over her repeatedly.
        Chance’s hand lifted without warning. It took all of Arabella’s self-control to not reach down, and to keep rubbing just to ease the ache in her lower belly. The brush of Chance’s bare thighs against the center of her own thighs alerted her that he had slipped out of his own shorts. Something hot and hard pushed up against her teasingly. He arranged himself perfectly to just barely enter her.
         “One last time to back out,” Chance said, cradling her head in his hand. “I can tell you right now that I’m not going to be able to stop after this.”
           “Don’t stop,” she breathed out, hands wandering down to grasp at his firm backside.
           The force of Chance entering her in one smooth stroke made Arabella lose her breath. The pain quickly burned out into something much hotter. She sucked in a shaky breath to keep herself from tensing up at the feeling of Chance filling her to the hilt with a satisfied grunt. She squirmed underneath Chance’s body to better adjust herself as pain continued to fade away. The movement immediately caused Chance to inhale harshly, and drop his head against her shoulder.
         “Fuck,” he moaned, every inch of his body trembling against her. “You have no idea how good this feels, baby.”
         Arabella caught sight of the expression on Chance’s face. His eyes were squinted closed in pure rapture while his skin appeared to be a simmering red. He was trying to hold still to see if she was all right. 
         She wrapped her legs securely around his waist in silent encouragement to pick up the pace. The first hard thrust sent Arabella sliding up the bed, and stealing the breath right out of her lung as a flood of new sensations spiraled through her. The second one made her cry out in pleasure. Then, the third one she had to use the palm of her hands on the bed board to keep herself from sliding further.
       The pace of Chance’s hips didn’t slow after that as he set a deep and desperate pace. The rushing heat building in Arabella nearly consumed her, and it was only drawing closer than further away as she squirmed against him in pleasure. She dimly heard Chance’s muttered swear words in

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