Cabin Heat: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 1)

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Book: Cabin Heat: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 1) by Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Love-Wins
hallway. “Call me when it’s ready, okay?”
    Abby and Trina nodded as she left. The second Barb was gone, Trina laughed out loud.
    “You’d better watch your man with that one around.”
    “He’s not my man, Trina,” Abby explained.
    “Yeah, and he won’t be for long if you let Barb dig her claws into him. We went to high school together. That woman is vicious.”
    “Look.” Abby tried to be as gracious as she could. “Let’s just leave it alone for now, okay? I appreciate your advice and I know you mean well, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
    “Fine by me,” Trina answered. “Just be warned.”
    After a few moments of a quiet pause, Abby noticed Ruth hadn’t come down yet.
    “Where’s Ruth?” she asked.
    “Not sure. Probably still sleeping,” Trina offered.
    John returned to the living room to announce breakfast was ready in the kitchen.
    “I’m going to have to have mine here, I think,” Abby said.
    “We can help you to the kitchen, you know?” John offered.
    “I appreciate it, but I should stay put,” Abby answered, not wanting to admit she just wasn’t up for being grilled, should the rest of them notice her kiss-blush . Just the thought of the word made her want to smile even more.
    “No problem, Abby,” Trina said, and made her way to John at the doorway.
    She plastered herself against his chest and his arms were around her in no time. It was like they were magnets that couldn’t help making contact when they got close enough to each other. Looks familiar.
    “Hun, I’ll get Barb and see if Ruth is up. John, do you mind being a sweetheart and grabbing a tray of your awesome breakfast for Abby?”
    “Definitely,” he whispered in her ear before heading back to the kitchen. Trina went the other way to head upstairs.
    Abby let out a long sigh when she was finally alone. Maybe I should just keep to the bedroom today, she thought. It would definitely be simpler. She touched her lips and was instantly transported back to The Kiss .
    “Yes. Definitely the bedroom,” she whispered, feeling the warmth rise to her ever-smiling cheeks again.

Chapter Nine
    What on earth was I thinking? was the dominant question running around Andrew’s thoughts all morning. The kiss felt good at the time—amazing, actually, the way it stirred up things that he wasn’t sure worked anymore, and had no business getting aroused—but now was a different story. Now it was morning, and it was bad enough that he had a house full of strangers to feed, clothe, and entertain.
    Plus, he had to live with having kissed one of those complete strangers. And she kissed him back? What new planet had he teleported to? Because the whole thing felt like wherever he was last night, he was not accompanied by his brain. Still, he had to admit, he got the best sleep he had had in a long time.
    “Shit,” he said to himself, coming to terms with having to face her again. What was he supposed to say? He had seen Rob when he first got up, so he wouldn’t have to tend to them for most of that day, at least. But could he avoid her for the entire time? Avoid her? Avoid them? In my own fucking house? What in hell is wrong with me?
    Andrew stood up from the chair in his office. He was not going to be a voluntary prisoner in his own house. And it was time to live with the consequences of kissing an irresistible woman he knew nothing about. Letting out a long sigh, he got up and headed to the living room.
    He felt a mixture of relief and newfound apprehension when he looked in and saw Abby eating alone. At least he could apologize and see if they could forget it ever happened. Not that that was possible. That was the kiss of life. One of those once-in-a-lifetime memorable moments, right up there with tandem skydiving, running with the bulls in Pamplona, and bungee jumping in Zimbabwe. Although the kiss was a clear win over the others in adrenalin-pumping intensity and mind-altering elation.
    “Good morning,

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