The Highlander’s Witch

Free The Highlander’s Witch by Jennifer France

Book: The Highlander’s Witch by Jennifer France Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer France
    Lost in the way creases appeared around those to-die-for blue eyes, softening every angle on his face. Even the slight dimple in each cheek captured her attention before drawing her eyes to his mouth.
    “Or tis dreamin ye be doin?”
    Skye jerked her eyes up to his as she realized she had been staring and licked her lips only to watch his smile disappear when he lowered his gaze to her mouth.
    Her heart flipped and she felt achy in all the wrong places at that darkened look. She turned her face away and looked back out the window silently demanding her body to regain control.
    “Which be it, lass?” Came the low sensual question.
    Think Skye, what was the question?
    Oh yeah.
    “Miss home?” She shrugged and gave it consideration, glad for the distraction. “It’s hard to explain really.”
    “Will ye try?” Came the soft request.
    Skye looked at the man before her and everything inside her cried out to tell him all, wishing he was a witch so she could explain away how his voice made her insides melt and longed to step inside the power of his embrace even after everything he had put her through.
    Instead, she looked out over the landscape holding back the desire to stare at him as well as to spill her life story, completely confused over her feelings.
    “My sister, Sarah, and I grew up with loving parents. They took us everywhere with them so we were pretty used to traveling.”
    Sorting through her thoughts and taking a steadying breath, she pushed aside the hurt feelings of being left behind when her parents took their final vacation to celebrate their fifteenth anniversary and the plane had crashed, killing everyone.
    “When they died, my aunt came to live with us. She was very much different from my parents. More of a loner I suppose.” She quickly looked at Aiden. “Don’t get me wrong; she loved us, brought laughter back into our home, but she was . . .” She searched for the word and then just shrugged and looked back through the window. “just different, eccentric, I guess. Unless there was something to teach us, Aunt Gladys kept to herself and left Sarah and me to ourselves. So my sister and I did everything together. Even though she was four years older than me, we were inseparable.”
    She shook her head as the memories flooded her mind.
    “And then along came Doug. My aunt swore he and I made the perfect couple.” She laughed not seeing Aiden stiffen. “But it became very clear that we only made good friends and that it was he and Sarah who were really supposed to be together. Now they are married and expecting a baby.”
    She drifted off.
    “They have each other.”
    Letting the curtain go, Skye crossed her arms and leaned a shoulder against the wall. “They have each other.” She shrugged through her agreement.
    Aiden watched the flames from a torch play over her features in the now darkened alcove, seeing the resolve in her features that still didn’t cover the sadness.
    Skye shrugged through the misplaced hurt. “You have to understand that I love them both and I am so very happy for them because they are meant to be together.”
    When he came closer, she swallowed and looked away, nervous at the way her stomach twisted and her breasts tingled. She hurried on, covering her emotions with chatter.
    “So, yes; I miss my family and I do, um, need to go home. Just—” She couldn’t think anymore, he was too close and the air had become so warm.
    Skye might not have felt the coldness of the stones on her back as she cast him a quick glance but she did feel the heat that pooled between her thighs and spread up to her breasts that warmed her when she found she couldn’t look away.
    He was a predator and she the prey and it excited her.
    This man, who was so hard and tall, that could move with such stealth and grace with a voice that made her yearn to reach out for him while making her feel extremely feminine when he was so close, her breasts heavy and needy for his

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