The Highlander’s Witch

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Book: The Highlander’s Witch by Jennifer France Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer France
popping up to ruin it all. This time she could only feel and need.
    Oh Lord, and want.
    Cannot forget want.
    And she so wanted more!
    Everything in her still tingled, from the vee between her thighs to the neck he had bitten on.
    Wow .
    By the time they reached Anna’s bedchambers, Skye forced herself to stop behaving like a fool and push aside her erotic thoughts to mull over later.
    She entered without looking at Aiden and smiled at the look of pleasure Anna had on her face when she entered.
    “I be so glad ye came, Skye! Have some sweet bread an cream, it be delicious.”
    The door remained open as Skye stepped forward to take the offering. Taking a bite of the bread coated heavily with cream, she closed her eyes in bliss.
    “Mmmm, this is good!”
    “Told ye.” Anna grinned.
    It didn’t take long for Skye to realize this was a morning ritual between the two since Anna had started staying in bed most the day because of two previous miscarriages.
    That brought back to reality the harshness of the time.
    People here died of simple diseases, a cut untreated or a bad piece of meat, even childbirth.
    “When are you due?”
    Anna’s eyes got dreamy and she smiled sweetly as she soothed her extended belly with both hands. “The bairn should be here in two fortnights.”
    A month. In her time, a baby could survive if born now.
    “Och,” Elizabeth patted her daughter’s hand. “The baby will be just fine.”
    Anna smiled at her mother but Skye could see the concern in both their eyes.
    In her day, her powers were useless.
    The possibilities of someone finding out, detained, analyzed, and then have the rest of her family put through the same only allowed for smaller healings so she wouldn’t draw unwanted attention.
    Since those were always unfulfilling, the need to cure was something she always had to battle.
    Her powers were a part of her and the need to use them was as strong as the need to breath. Taking anatomy and botanical classes had made it possible for her to help others, and when there was the added need of her abilities, she was able to do so while allowing the herbs to become the reason for a speedy recovery.
    Skye became torn.
    She wanted to go home desperately but knew she could ensure the safety of this baby if she remained, but to what cost? Would they be thankful or superstitious?
    Moreover, did superstition equate to burning at the stake?
    Even though she itched to touch Anna and find out what was going on with her body that she couldn’t seem to carry full term, she kept her hands on her lap and forced herself to join the conversation.
    Elizabeth stood an hour later, prompting Skye to do the same.
    “Come now, daughter. Tis time for ye to nap.”
    “But me feet arna swollen an I feel wonderful.”
    “I am sure ye do, but it still would be best. I am sure Skye will return to spend time with ye—after ye have rested.”
    “I would love to.”
    “Then tis settled; ye rest and Skye shall return later.”
    As they were leaving, Anna called to Skye. “Please, go outside an tell me everthin ye see.”
    When the two women frowned, Skye chuckled. “I mean, sure.”
    As Elizabeth and Skye left, Their guard followed them silently down the stairs behind them.
    As they approached the front entrance, a woman stepped up to Elizabeth and curtsied, waiting for the woman’s attention.
    Elizabeth handed Skye a shawl then told her to wait as she took the woman aside to speak with her.
    Skye turned to the guard, taking in the long, curly, sun streaked brown hair.
    “What is your name?” She asked in Gaelic, thinking about the man who watched her at night and wondering just how many good-looking men there could be in one place.
    He frowned and looked at her curiously.
    She smiled and asked again.
    “Thank you, Keir.”
    He nodded and she turned back around as Elizabeth approached.
    “We need to stop at the laundry, there seems to be a bit of trouble.”
    Walking outside, Skye took

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