Humpty-Dumpty hurdy-gurdy hurly-burly Hurry Curry hurry-scurry hustle & bustle
Icky Ricky I Like Ike ill pill ill will Increase the Peace inky-dinky
ism jism I Spy itsy-bitsy itty-bitty
jai alai Janetâs Planet jeepers creepers Jeez Louise jelly belly jet set Jew canoe jig rig jimjams
jinglejangle Joe Blow Joe Schmoe Juicy Lucy June gloom June moon junkie âs monkey
junk in the trunk junky punky
killer-diller King Kong Kit Kat kiwi knickknack knob job Koo Koo Roo
kowtow Krik? Krak! kudu Kundun
Laffy Taffy lame brain large & in charge late great later gator Lazy Daisy
Lean Cuisine lean & mean lean mean machine legal eagle Leggo my Eggo
Lexis Nexus lick dick Lickinâ Chicken licking stick Liddle Kiddle liquorâs quicker
lit crit liver quiver lizardâs gizzard local yokel long dong Loony Toons Loopy Doopy
loose screws loosey-goosey lovie-dovie low blow lucky duck lump sum lunch bunch
lust in the dust Lynyrd Skynyrd
Mac Attack mad dad made in the shade Magilla Gorilla mainframe maitai Mango Tango
Manila Thriller Mantan Mars bars master blaster Maui Wowie May Day Meal Deal
Meals on Wheels mean green meet & greet mellow yellow Messy Bessy
Micmac might makes right Mighty Aphrodite miles of smiles Milli Vanilli
Mingus Among Us mishmash Missy-Pissy mock croc Mod Squad mojo moldy oldie
Money Honey moose on the loose mop top Mork from Ork motor voter muckamuck
muck chuck mukluk multi-culti mumbo jumbo mu shu mushy-gushy my guy
namby-pamby name game nature nurture near beer nice price night light
nig-nog niminy piminy nitty-gritty nitwit no finance, no romance
no glove, no love no go no muss, no fuss no pain, no gain no show no way, Jose
nudie cutie Nut Hut Nutter Butter Nutty Buddy
Ocean Potion odd jobs Oingo Boingo okey-dokey old gold ooga-booga
Only the Lonely oodles of noodles Oshkosh Bâgosh
Pacoâs Tacos page gauge pale ale paranoid android Parappa the Rapper party hearty Patel hotel
paunch & haunch payday pay & play pee & see peewee peg leg pell-mell peter beater
Phantom Anthems phone home phony baloney Pick Up Sticks picnic pie in the sky, by & by
Piggly Wiggly ping-pong pit-a-pat pitter-patter Plain Jane plaster caster plastic fantastic
play as it lays pocket rocket poet donât know it pogo pooper scooper pot shot pope-soap-on-a-rope
Pop Shop poptop Post Toasties powwow poxy doxy prime time pump & dump psychedelic relic Puff ân Stuff
Queen of Mean quest for the best Quick Pick quick trick quiet riot quirky quarky
racket-jacket ragbag Raginâ Cajun ragtag ramble-scramble Randy Andy rape & scrape
rat-a-tat razzle-dazzle razzmatazz real deal redhead Reeseâs Pieces reet pleat
retail detail Rhyminâ Simon rich bitch rickety-tickety rickrack riffraff
ring-a-ding ringer dinger rinky-dink Rin Tin Tin riprap roach coach
Rock Around the Clock rocket pocket Rolled Gold roly-poly Ronald McDonald
rooty-tooty rope-a-dope rough & tough rough stuff rub-a-dub Rufty Tufty rusty dusty
saggy baggy Sallyâs Alley sandman sassafras scarlet harlot sci-fi scot & lot
Scrapple from the Apple screen scene screwy Louie screw you Sea & Ski
seedy tweedy seesaw self help sexy Rexy shady lady shake it, donât break it
Shake ân Bake Sheddâs Spread shilly-shally shipshape shirk work shit fit
shit, grit, motherwit shock jock Shy Di sin-bin Sin Den singles mingle singsong
skag hag skimble-scamble skinflint skinny mini skunk funk sky high slammer jammer
Slice oâ Rice slice & dice Slick Rick Slim Jim slo-mo SmarteCarte snack pack
snail mail snail trail Smothers Brothers smut-butt smut slut sneak peek snowblower
snug as a bug in a rug soap-on-a-rope SoHo space is the place space race Spamarama
Spam in a can SpecTech speed reader spit-spot splish-splash spring fling Spruce Goose
squeegee Stan the Man stars & bars steam clean Stinky Pinky Stix Nix Hix Pix stranger danger
Storminâ Norman street beat stun gun stupid Cupid Style File suck
Phil Callaway, Martha O. Bolton