Their Christmas Vows

Free Their Christmas Vows by MARGARET MCDONAGH

Book: Their Christmas Vows by MARGARET MCDONAGH Read Free Book Online
Tags: Medical
subtly shifted, and she hadn't been able to get things back in balance since.
    She wished she could recall exactly what had happened with Frazer. She had a nasty feeling that, under the influence of the medication, she had told him things she shouldn't have, but of course she couldn't mention it now, or ask him about it-not without the horrifying possibility of opening a can of worms.
    Since that day Frazer had been increasingly warm and friendly, frequently touching her, draping an arm around her shoulders or resting a hand at the small of her back, ensuring she was all right. He had somehow cajoled her into taking part in things around the base and beyond-so much so that she had even started to feel that she did, indeed, belong in Strathlochan. In the week following her injury she had been sweet-talked into going with him to give a talk about their work to a group of children at a local school. Then he and Annie had dragged her out one evening to go ten-pin bowling, which had proved to be massive fun, -involving various departments and medical disciplines forming teams and resorting to outrageous tactics to try and win. Annie, Will Brown and two of the nurses from A and E, Gina McNaught and Holly Tait, had been vocally victorious.
    Next had come a Christmas pizza night at the Strathlochan Arms, with the large but cosy pub decked out in festive finery, log fires burning. Again she'd had fun-far more so than she had expected finding herself drawn in to the welcoming, friendly warmth. People seemed to be accepting her and Frazer as a couple beyond their work partnership, and it was most disconcerting. But, whilst attentive and caring, Frazer himself had been a model of propriety.
    Yet she was more and more aware of him with every day that passed. It was scary.
    Yesterday had been spent with Annie, having lunch and doing some Christmas shopping. Strathlochan had been full of colour and cheer. Bursting with excitement, children had lined up to visit Santa's grotto, while tinny carols rang out of nearly every shop doorway and a local band played in the town centre, the stand lavishly decorated and strung with flickering lights. Sellers nearby had plied shoppers with roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate. I had been the best day ever, a completely new experience: and Callie had soon been laden down with gifts for her new colleagues, for Annie, Craig and Francesca... and for Frazer. She had never had people to buy presents for before. Had never had a friend to giggle and gossip with, either. But Annie was incorrigible, singing Frazer's praises and pushing her at him despite her protests, and despite knowing the truth about her.
    Today, she had been suckered into joining in with some Christmas decoration party. Whatever the hell that was. Frazer was picking her up at any moment, which was why she was a nervous wreck and ridiculously flustered. She kept telling herself that this was just another work-related event-so why had she spent for ever fretting over what to wear? And why were a whole troop of butterflies conducting acrobatic manoeuvres in her stomach?
    Having fed Pecan and Maple, she crossed to the window and looked out at the wintry scene. The wind had dropped and a pale sun struggled through patches of grey cloud. A
    new fall of snow overnight had coated the small garden, the pristine white blanket disturbed only by a few spiky footprints made by wild birds seeking scraps from the table and nutholders she kept well stocked for them.
    She tried to reassure herself that Frazer was only being nice to her because they were colleagues and, despite her initial chilly stance, he had stuck it out and helped her settle in. Unfortunately, she feared she was fooling herself. She couldn't understand why he was remotely interested in her, but there was definite desire in his chocolate eyes when he looked at her. And with the unspoken acceptance that her marriage was over, her defences had been stripped away, the shield which she had been

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