My Feline Protector (Middlemarch Shifters Book 6)

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Book: My Feline Protector (Middlemarch Shifters Book 6) by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
Tags: paranormal romance, feline shapeshifter
moved to London and conceived her there, hence her name. He described growing up in the countryside and running wild with his friends. He didn’t mention the running occurred in feline form. That would come later. They finished their meal with coffee and decadent truffles.
    “There is something else. When I was going through Jenny’s things and packing her bags, I found a letter for me and a copy of Jenny’s will. She changed it before she left London. She left me everything. Her share in our parents’ house, which is let out to tenants, her jewelry and personal effects and the contents of her bank account. There was a printout along with the letter. She has…had over a million pounds in her investment accounts. I had no idea.”
    Gerard gaped at her, his gut bucking like a bronco intent on ridding itself of a rider. “That must have come as a shock.”
    “I knew she made a good living. She designed computer programs and more recently worked on apps. In her letter, she said previously everything had gone to Royce but she wanted me to have everything if something happened to her. She told me she was sorry she hadn’t believed me when I’d told her about Royce and that she loved me.” Tears formed at her eyes. “What am I going to do with that money? I don’t need money to be happy.”
    Confusion clouded her pretty face, and Gerard wanted to give her a hug. “You’ll work it out. Did she let you know her solicitor’s name?”
    “Yes, the details are in the letter.”
    “You should contact them and let Jenny’s solicitor know of her death.”
    London nodded. “I’ll ring them tomorrow.”
    The man who had stared at them paid his bill and toddled from the café, his weight making him lumber from side to side.
    “He was strange,” London murmured.
    “I didn’t think you’d noticed him. He stared, not only at us, but at the rest of the people here.”
    “Maybe he’s a writer or an artist or something like that. We might find ourselves in a book,” London said.
    Gerard shrugged. “No matter what the explanation, he was peculiar.”

Chapter Six
    They fought over the bill, and she ceded to Gerard once he promised her she could pay the next time. Excitement flared in her at this declaration. He seemed genuine with his interest, and if it wasn’t for her sister’s murder…
    “I’ll walk you back to the bed-and-breakfast.”
    “Thanks.” It was darker out here, even with the streetlights. Not a single star peeped through the clouds, and the sense of being watched assailed her again.
    Gerard drew her close and slipped his arm around her waist. She was grateful for the contact.
    “Someone is following us,” Gerard said in a low voice against her ear.
    London flinched, her steps stalling as she glanced behind her. She couldn’t see anything, but was conscious of the insidious itch in the middle of her shoulders.
    “Don’t look. Keep walking.”
    Gerard strolled with confidence, which bolstered her own, yet the bed-and-breakfast had never looked so welcoming. The owners left the porch light on for guests and it blazed in greeting, illuminating most of the garden path leading to the front door. She reached for the doorknob.
    She froze and turned to face him.
    “I want to kiss you good night.”
    He grinned at her reply. “I thought I might spot our Peeping Tom at the same time.”
    “Mostly, I want to kiss you.”
    She blinked at his confession, then she was in his arms, softness to his hardness, lips pressed together. Not a friendly peck. This…her mind went hazy with pleasure. Every time Gerard touched her, her body softened. Even an innocent touch of hands affected her, but this…this kiss thrilled her. He dominated her mouth, yet gave as much as he took, sending pleasure darting through her. She’d experienced nothing like it, the contact with Gerard firing each of her nerve endings. She clung, spearing her fingers through his black hair, leaving it ruffled

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