Pure Innocence
silently for him to come nearer.
But he was useless, garbage. He’d been thrown away all his life.
Why would Damon be interested in him?
    “ Oliver.” Damon sat on the
bed and Oliver searched his face, begged without making a sound. He
could feel the panic, how it bubbled up inside. If Damon moved away
he would scream.
    “ Close your eyes.” Damon
inched closer and smoothed a lock of hair from Oliver’s
face. Oh. Oh.
Oliver wanted to close his eyes, but he could nearly taste the fear
on his tongue.
    His heart pounded. Yes, yes you could taste
it. He’d tasted it before, drunk it, lived it. He could hear a
whining noise, struggled to think it might be him.
    “ Oliver, what three things
do you have to concentrate on?” Damon stroked a hand up Oliver’s
    “ W-what?” Oliver
    Damon trailed his hand back. “Close your
eyes and listen to my voice. What three things do you have to
remember?” Damon’s hand started on his other leg. Oliver swallowed,
desperately trying to focus, and his eyes slid shut.
    “ I-I mustn’t worry.” Oliver
gasped the words out as Damon’s hand rose higher. It was okay for
him to say that, but the throbbing in his fingers reminded him he
had worries, so many worries.
    “ Just listen to my voice.
The pain is going to go away.” Damon brushed the side of Oliver’s
hip, and his leg moved involuntarily. “You’re going to give it all
to me.”
    Oliver felt Damon’s lips on the side of his
    “ It’s becoming just a
    “ What, what—” Oliver was
confused. Between the lips grazing his face and the hand grazing
his leg, he wasn’t sure of anything. He felt the bed sink a little
more, the throbbing in his hand eased a little, but Damon hadn’t
moved. It was as if Oliver had got heavier.
    “ The next one?” Damon
prompted. Oliver quivered, felt a hand settle on his chest. “What
else do you have to give to me?” Damon’s hand just rested, warm and
heavy over his thudding heart. “I can move my hand. You are allowed
to refuse anything without one second’s fear of any sort of
consequences. That’s also part of a power exchange. No guilt, free
    “ N-no, please, don’t stop.”
Oliver heard the satisfied noise that Damon made, and it lessened
the embarrassing acknowledgement that he never wanted Damon to move
his hand.
    “ What else do you have to
concentrate on?” Damon’s fingers just rested, steadying
    Oliver tried to grasp at reason, but
something…something awful was happening, his cock was getting hard.
    Damon chuckled, and bent to whisper in his
ear. “Close enough.”
    Oliver moved restlessly.
    “ Lay still,
    Oliver couldn’t, and whined in mild protest.
His cock was swelling under the sweats, even as the pain in his
hands wasn’t lessening. It confused him, it wasn’t about sex. Damon
had said so, he would never have to...and he was scared, Damon
would see…think he wanted it.
    “ Oliver.” Damon’s hand
brushed the hair off his face. “You need to relax.” Oliver opened
his eyes and focused on Damon desperately. His felt so close to
some edge, like he was going to fall. He moved restlessly, and felt
his hands throb.
    Damon was gazing at him. As if he was
working something out in his mind. Oliver shook his head, he was
going to leave him, or ask him to go. His heart sped up and Oliver
opened his mouth as his breathing increased. He saw Damon’s frown
increase slightly, his hand reaching for Oliver’s face. “Oliver,
hush. What is it?”
    Oliver whined. He couldn’t focus. Something
awful. Something…
    Then, the world stopped. Damon’s firm lips
settled over his, and in that second Oliver was safe. Every cell in
his body relaxed as he concentrated on the powerful mouth and
demanding tongue, pushing all his thought and worry away. He didn’t
have the space for troubles. Every inch of him belonged to Damon,
and that incredible possessiveness swept him up and carried him
away. Heat

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