Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

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Book: Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica by Harnet Spade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harnet Spade
make things right while Eros sought to conquer my flesh. “Yes, I’ll do whatever you ask,” I smiled feeling his hand closing over my waist trying to make its way underneath my jeans, pulling them down excruciatingly slow. I did the same, lowering his zipper the rest of the way. Wondering how he didn’t know who he truly was.
    If I could touch him, I wanted to touch him while he did the same to me, my hands itching to take a hold of his hardness and bring him pleasure. He covered me, pushing me back on the ground with his body. He lowered himself between my thighs and all I could do was look at the strength in the valleys of his body and his savage beauty. The beast was trying to be gentle, but if he unleashed it… I knew an untamable monster would surface... Eros.
    Eros thought of every possibility… if Luke knew this was the reason I was accepting him… I had no doubt he would despise me. Seeing him over me, I knew it was impossible, but I knew Eros was in there. I needed Luke to tell me how this was possible… perhaps saving me from myself.
    “Luke you and I, we’ve done this before, not just last night in my dream.” His jaw opened on a howl and his fangs extended. I was frightened for his life as I lay anticipating his bite fascinated by how the pointed tips would tear into my skin. Nothing mattered now because if I was right he would survive the bite.
    I stilled feeling others surrounding us.
    “They are mating, stop them sisters. This was not meant for you Lycan.” She shrieked. “Trap her in the center and Kill him! Our King will soon be here, it will be he who claims her!”
    My hands lifted covering my breasts as I looked around us because they encircled us. He lifted off me standing, growling viciously all around us. “Everyone dies, if you so much as breathe witches, she will not be taken from me again.”
    “Sisters unite, she must be freed of him!”
    “She is Mine, I claimed her long ago for myself, there will be no other for her! It has always been so.” He said it with such force it sounded as many beings spoke.
    Did he even realize what he said?
    “No one harms him!” I shouted. “He is who I want!” I said rising, doing everything to cover myself with my hair falling over my chest and lifting my jeans.
    Shocked at my own words, my fingers quickly covered my lips. Had I just uttered those words? I saw the shock and approval on the Lycan’s face. Apparently, I’d just shocked the both of us.
    “She is not meant for you Lycan,” the witches threatened. “She is meant for the Dragon King. You shall die for touching her. When she is free of this circle and knows what you truly are she will despise you. She will kill you herself.” Their voices were as one.
    They were so wrong. I knew what he was and it was precisely the reason why I wanted him. I thought this time was different… finally he would learn to compromise.
    “Wait, what are you saying…What exactly is he?” Answers, I need them.
    “Shut your eyes Emmaley, or I’ll have to kill my own men. I will kill the witches and dragon for poisoning you.” His men were shifting, preparing to walk through the flames.
    I would imprison him in the center and get my answers still. “I won’t be able to shut them for long, get your men out of here! I’ll kill the witches and dragon myself.” I shouted over the crackling blaze.
    Flames rose all around us in a circle, and I screamed feeling them burning me… only it wasn’t the flames which seared me it was my own temperature rising as the hunger intensified. Opening my eyes in horror, I watched a witch chanting.
    “Luke, it’s the witches, they won’t let you out of the circle. They’re doing a spell… it’s making me worse!”
    He continued towards them, no… the flames . It would kill him and his beast… Eros was in there- he couldn’t die. “Don’t you dare move!”
    “Luke… please, I want you… I don’t care about them.”
    He got close to the flames and they

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