Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

Free Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica by Harnet Spade

Book: Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica by Harnet Spade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harnet Spade
how it hungers now, afraid of looking back.
    “I’m sorry… please, please don’t bite me,” I said with the few lucid seconds I had, “keep howling it reminds me you’re not him.”
    I felt a long swipe of his tongue along my back. It pierced me with a desire so strong, yet soothing the building ache of my flesh at the same time. It was cool, wet, and deliciously erotic… relieving the burning sensations on my skin, while reminding me it was Ly who gripped me.
    “Yes, yes… it feels incredible. Please, just like that- it’s helping.” I realized I wasn’t above begging him and it reminded me of an earlier time when his beast promised me he could make me beg for him. “Please, don’t stop. Just like the night you came for me out on the road and I told you, I’d do whatever you wanted… just don’t stop.” His tongue traveled my back while his hand found my breast and kneaded, rubbed, and pricked making me lose my mind.
    “Ah. Yesss, just like that. It’s so gooood.” I moaned.
    “I want to be selfish and take what you so blindly offer. Instead I’m helping you Beauty, but fucking killing myself at the same time.” He breathed against my skin. “It’s taking more strength than I’ll ever have to stop myself from doing all the things I’m craving to do to you. But I’ll ease your torment without doing anything to make you hate me.”
    As his tongue continued, and I felt him at the base of my spine… I arched, my hands digging deep into the sand. He howled as his hips pushed digging into my wet softness. There were some needs we both couldn’t fight against.
    He was the beast, it was he who found me… Eros. My mind was driving me mad. I didn’t know who anyone was. I just knew what I recognized. And I knew he’d loved me like this before… crouched on the ground on all fours waiting to be punished by him.
    I pushed my irrational thoughts into my Pandora’s box and securely locked it. “I rather it be like this, Ly. Please don’t let him come near me. I can’t turn into what he is. He can never control me again.”
    “Beauty, there is no way I’m letting anyone near you now. Tell me you’re on fire for me! I need to hear you say it because I’m so fucking turned on for you.” Letting me go, he fumbled with the button on his pants.
    I had to stop him because although I sought some relief from the pain, I knew I couldn’t allow anyone that close, so soon. “Ly, no please… what… is your family name?” My hand found his, gripped it, pulling it away from his half zipped pants, and I brought it in front of us digging over his into the sand. “Please, talk to me.” I said trying to find something to distract him with.
    With a voice that sounded more beast than human, he said, “Luke Crowe brother of King Logan Crowe, and you my Queen are the very elusive…The Lost Princess of Dragons, Emmaley Eva Bendis Ladon. The daughter of the Draconian King, King Emmerson Ladon Drake. And also the daughter of the Goddess of Dawn Aurora.
    I’d say you’re an irresistible combination for everyone, but especially me… I want you like no other.”
    “Thank you for telling me who my father is.” I breathlessly whispered as I felt his hand travel over my skin making me shiver everywhere he touched. I tried to move away from him… my mind registering there was a family out there looking for me because with those simple words, he’d given me more information than I’ve ever known in my existence.
    “Don’t thank me yet,” he objected seizing me as his free hand continued traveling from my waist over my stomach, his fingers gently rising, moving between my breast when his hand spanned and gripped my neck, he hoarsely demanded, “Keep your eyes closed but lift your neck to me… and do not fucking move away again. I give you my oath, I won’t bite, but I need to see what I thirst after, what I need more than my next full moon.”
    “If you try to leave me now… I will unleash all… our

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