Brocke: Alien Warlord's Conquest (Scifi Surprise Pregnancy Alien Military Romance)

Free Brocke: Alien Warlord's Conquest (Scifi Surprise Pregnancy Alien Military Romance) by Vi Voxley

Book: Brocke: Alien Warlord's Conquest (Scifi Surprise Pregnancy Alien Military Romance) by Vi Voxley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vi Voxley
way of putting it,” she said. “Are you…”
    Cora trailed off, seeing a group of men coming their way. Brocke noticed her hand went to check her gun instinctively.
    “Trouble,” she said quietly.
    He agreed, pushing her back a little.
    “It means we’re at the right place,” Brocke said, watching a smile cross over Cora's face for a moment before she turned serious for the company they were about to get.
    The leader of thir greeting party was a tall man dressed in a dark gray robe. He did not look like a fighter, but some of the others certainly did. They gave Brocke grudgingly appreciative looks. Their leader’s lips were pressed together in a thin line, showing his apparent irritation. And fear.
    “I am Tomeh,” he said, every word sounding like he had to force himself to utter a single syllable. “I am the supervisor of this factory. You have no business here. Leave.”
    Brocke didn’t move. He didn’t even blink, nor had any intention to do so until the supervisor said something worth responding to. He kept the warriors accompanying Tomeh well in his sights, thinking what sort of a factory needed so many guards.
    The silence stretched until Tomeh’s patience gave out.
    “Let’s not pretend I don’t know who you are,” he said through gritted teeth. “They say wherever you go, death follows. We have done nothing wrong, Guardian.”
    “I will be the judge of that,” Brocke replied calmly. “Move out of my way and don’t make me repeat this request while it’s still one.”
    He saw a vein throb in the forehead of the supervisor, but he didn’t dare to back down. It seemed to Brocke like he was caught between two walls, pushing with equal strength, hating the position he was put in.
    “I can’t let you in the factory without a reason,” Tomeh said. “Even you can’t just come and go –”
    “This here with me is Lieutenant Cora Frey,” Brocke said. “She is investigating the half-breed murders. No doubt you’ve heard about them. Her case has led her here. Is that reason enough?”
    As soon as the word half-breed left his lips, he saw Tomeh twitch and glance behind him quickly.
    Also very noteworthy.
    “Unless the lieutenant provides us with clear evidence –” the supervisor tried again.
    “Miss Frey will not recite her entire research out here for everyone who asks,” Brocke cut in, and now there was a very clear warning in his voice. “My word will be enough.”
    Tomeh winced like he’d been struck. His eyes were almost pleading, which gave Brocke the last clue he needed.
    “On the ground, Cora!” he shouted.
    Both she and Tomeh reacted to that while Brocke drew his blades a moment before the warrior guards did.
    There were seven of them; however, from the moment they got close enough to recognize him, Brocke had seen their reluctance plainly. He saw vicious, single-minded hate but no courage.
    It figured. True warriors would never have sided with someone like Condor.
    But the blades of cowards could cut just as sharply as those of brave men. Brocke kept the fight away from Cora, driving the warriors back. There was more of them, but numbers added nothing to the fight, only confused it. It took the guardian only a few seconds to realize the men he fought weren’t a unit. In fact, the only similarity between them was the anger in their eyes, but their hatred meant nothing to Brocke.
    From there on, it was easy. There was nothing simpler than taking down a unit that didn’t work together. They got in each other’s way, and the fourteen swords in their hands were tools for him to use since they obviously didn’t know how. Brocke turned and dodged between the swords, blocking the lucky blows that came too close and simply sidestepping the rest.
    The warriors fighting him, however, almost ran into each other. They lacked harmony as well as any signs that they cared whether the others lived or died. Brocke took full advantage of that, shoving them into their

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