Next Door Neighbors

Free Next Door Neighbors by Frances Hoelsema

Book: Next Door Neighbors by Frances Hoelsema Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frances Hoelsema
– when I’m gone.”
                  The moment started to get a little uncomfortable for Jill. The spark Brian had kindled in her by gazing into her eyes was something she had to stomp out fast before it grew into an unquenchable fire. She stepped away from Brian’s touch to put the salad bowl away, and was grateful that Brian took the hint as he started washing again. They both then worked in unison until the job was complete.
                  “Is there anything else I can help with?” Jill asked.
                  Brian looked around and couldn’t come up with anything. He did notice the gift that Jill brought over, though, and suggested giving it to his mom.
                  “That’s a good idea!”
                  Jill went to the living room to hand Elena the gift. When she came back quicker than he thought she should have, he gave her a puzzled look.
                  “She was sleeping,” Jill giggled softly. “I just left it on the table closest to her.”
                  “Too much excitement I guess.” Brian shrugged his shoulders, not surprised.
                  “Well,” Jill sighed, “I suppose I’ll call it a night myself and head home.”
                  Brian didn’t want her to go just yet, but couldn’t think of a reason for her to stay. “If you must,” he responded lightheartedly.
                  The two of them started heading to the door. Before Jill walked out she turned to Brian. “I had a lot of fun tonight, and the food was amazing. Thank you.”
              “It was my pleasure. I’m glad you could make it.”
                  Brian offered a warm smile that Jill found attractive.
                  I could look at his face for hours.
                  But then she noticed something. “Here, let me get that,” she said, licking her thumb. She reached up to the side of his face and wiped off the spaghetti smudge that she saw.
                  “I guess that makes us even then,” Brian smiled, although he had to admit that he was a little bit embarrassed that his face was harboring bits of dinner yet.
                  Images of Brian cleaning her dirty face flashed before her eyes. Horrific then, it was now something to laugh at. “Yeah, I guess it does,” she agreed.
                  “Well, good night, Jill.”
                  “Good night.”
                  Jill slowly ambled back to her home, a part of her not wanting the night to end; a part of her not wanting to leave.

                  “Well, I’m going to take off now, okay?” Jill stated more than asked. “I’ll be back later tonight to check on you again.”
                  “Okay. Have fun, dear!”
                  “I will.”
                  Jill walked out of the house. The last few days she had been watching over Elena much closer like Brian had asked. She was more than happy to do so, too, for it allowed Jill to see more firsthand what Elena’s condition had progressed to. It also gave her the opportunity to figure out how to help in the future. Plus it gave the two of them some quality bonding time, and Jill had to admit that learning more about Brian without him present was wonderful. She was beginning to really enjoy all of Elena’s stories of him.
                  Jill reached her car and got in. It was time to head to The Coffee Cove, the only café in Ashwin, to meet her mom. When she thought about how long it had been since she last saw her, she concluded it was at least a few months.
                  That is too long.
                  Jill and her mom were always close, but now that they lived so far apart, they hardly saw each other. Getting together for some hot

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