It Should Be a Crime

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Book: It Should Be a Crime by Carsen Taite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carsen Taite
students who also seemed intent on a moment alone with Morgan. Watching Morgan patiently answer each question, Parker started to fume. She was reaching her boiling point when she felt a tap on her shoulder and she twisted around, ready to strike.
    “Whoa there, don’t hit me!” Dex feigned a look of fear.
    Parker relaxed. A little. She wasn’t used to being frustrated with Dex, but lately his timing left a lot to be desired. Parker took a deep breath and told herself there was no way Dex could possibly read her mind.
    “Sorry, I’m a little tense today.”
    “A little? Whatcha hanging around for?”
    It would seem strange if she told him she wanted to talk to the professor about the assignment since they would be working on it together, she thought. Oh well, it’s not like I’m not going to see her again soon.
    “No reason. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next.”
    “How about a workout and then we can grab some dinner while we go over this assignment?”
    Thinking a strenuous workout was probably the best medicine for her tension, Parker agreed.

Chapter Six

    Morgan liked the look of the restaurant. It had the feel of being in someone’s home. Someone’s very well-kept, well-designed home. Paintings from local artists adorned the walls and the bar area had a cozy feel. She glanced around looking for the woman whose photo she had seen on the Internet.
    “Can I help you?”
    Morgan turned in the direction of the deep voice. The woman posing the question was dressed in khaki pants, an oxford cloth button-down shirt, and Doc Martens, all items signaling “uniform.” Short-cropped hair and a sturdy bearing also signaled “lesbian,” and Morgan vaguely remembered Yolanda mentioning the Lakeside was owned by a lesbian. Taking a chance, Morgan thrust out a hand.
    “Actually, I’m supposed to be meeting someone. My name is Morgan Bradley. Is this your restaurant?”
    The woman chuckled. “When things aren’t running smoothly. I’m the manager, Sally Gannon. Mackenzie Lewis is the owner. Did you have an appointment to meet with her?”
    “No, I’m here to meet with an Aimee Howard. I’ve seen her picture, though, so I’m sure I can wander around and find her.”
    “No need. She’s out on the Dock. I’ll take you to her.”
    Ms. Howard must be a regular, Morgan reflected as she followed Sally through the restaurant. No wonder she picked this place, she must feel very comfortable here.
    As they stepped out onto the patio deck, Morgan’s eyes immediately found the woman she was here to meet. She was every bit as beautiful as her picture, though not at all Morgan’s type. Aimee Howard was a buxom blonde, curvy and soft. She was in no way fat, but she definitely did not possess the lean, athletic body type Morgan was attracted to. And that’s for the best, Morgan decided.
    Sally made the formal introductions and then left them to their privacy, promising to send a waitperson over in a few minutes to see if they needed anything. A scrumptious-looking plate of appetizers was already on the table along with a bottle of Pinot Grigio and two glasses. Aimee motioned for Morgan to take a seat and she poured her a glass of wine.
    “Thanks for meeting me here. On a beautiful day like today, I think it’s important to be outdoors.” Aimee glanced around and added with a grin, “Well, as least as close to outdoors as you can be and still have all your creature comforts. My best friends own this place and, I must confess, it’s more like home to me than my own kitchen. The food’s better too,” she added with a grin.
    “Thank you for meeting with me in the evening,” Morgan replied. “My days have been packed the last few weeks, and evenings are the only time I can seem to squeeze in personal needs.”
    “Well, consider me in charge of this particular personal need.” Aimee handed a bulging folder to her. “I’ve pulled an extensive list of houses based on the sketchy parameters you e-mailed to me.

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