It Should Be a Crime

Free It Should Be a Crime by Carsen Taite

Book: It Should Be a Crime by Carsen Taite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carsen Taite
important to be bothered with the task of learning their students’ names, had their students all sit in the same places for each class so they could refer to a chart rather than their memory for the appropriate appellation. Apparently, Professor Bradley didn’t need the extra assistance to learn her students’ names, Parker thought.
    She had been simultaneously dreading and welcoming the second session of class. Following the meeting with her study group yesterday afternoon, she had retired to the gym and put herself through a rigorous two-hour workout. Her attempt to exhaust her mind with physical exertion was an utter failure, however, and she’d been able to think of little other than the striking Morgan Bradley in the hours since.
    Parker glanced around for Dex. She had expected him to be in class already, especially since he had their completed first assignment with him. It had been interesting, though not hard in the least. Each pair had been assigned the task of locating a movie clip that contained an example of what they thought were excellent cross-examination techniques. Parker had to admit the assignment had been fun. Dex and Parker had descended on the local video rental store and cleaned them out of legal dramas and even comedies, since Dex lobbied hard for My Cousin Vinny.
    Dex slid into his seat at the same moment Professor Bradley strode into the room. Today she sported a slightly more casual ensemble than the day before, but she was still impeccably groomed. The sleek, classic lines of her charcoal gray gabardine pantsuit cried out expensive tailoring and Parker idly contemplated whether Morgan had her suits custom made. Those thoughts dissolved into wondering whose hands had been lucky enough to drape fine cloth over the beautiful body standing before her now, fast followed by unbridled jealousy toward the imagined tailor. A punch in the ribs startled her out of her musings.
    “Did you hear a word I said?”
    Parker half turned to Dex and pretended to pay attention. “Sure, something about the DVD,” she guessed.
    “Uh, no. But I have the DVD right here,” Dex whispered, nodding to the front of the room. “I wanted to talk to you about the study group, but it looks like we’re about to get started here.”
    Parker followed his glance back to the front of the room. “I’ve got some free time after class. We can talk then.”


    Once class started, Morgan Bradley commanded the stage. “I’m sure many of you wonder why I decided to start with cross-examination techniques.” Noting several nodding heads, she continued, “It’s true, most trial and evidence classes begin with what evidence is admissible and the skills involved in direct examination. Frankly, I don’t have a strategic reason, but I think crossing witnesses is the most fun a lawyer can have—legally, anyway.
    “Which team wants to go first?” Morgan forced herself not to look in the direction her eyes had been drawn since she walked in the room. She was having trouble deciding how to deal with the fact she and Parker were destined to spend many hours a week together in roles so very different than the ones they had occupied the night they met. Her body could not deny the force of feeling that swept through it every time she glanced Parker’s way. Parker Casey possessed head-turning good looks requiring no assistance from wardrobe and makeup. Today she wore a T-shirt and jeans, the same or similar to the well-worn 501s Morgan had peeled off her the night they met. Her hair was rumpled and fell in endearing chaos to twist around her ears and collar. Morgan sighed as she felt a searing need to run her hands through Parker’s thick hair and create some chaos of her own. This is never going to work, she thought ruefully.
    Years of practice made it possible for her to hide her personal feelings and forge ahead. She called on team after team, studiously avoiding the Gallagher-Casey duo until last. When she finally ran out of

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