
Free Hooker by J. L. Perry

Book: Hooker by J. L. Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Perry
kiss a trail across her jaw and down her neck. My hand skims over her toned stomach before palming one of her breasts in my hand. She has the most amazing tits. I’d presumed they were fake, but I’ve felt enough in my life to know these aren’t. This pleases me to no end.
    She pushes her head further into the pillow and moans when I roll her hardened nipple between my fingers before replacing them with my tongue. She moans again the momentI suck the taut peak into my mouth as her chest pushes towards my face. I love how responsive she is to my touch.
    When my lips eventually find hers again, my hand glides down her skin until my fingers are dancing over the lace of her panties. I smile to myself when she opens her legs for me and I run my hand between her thighs. The dampness I feel through the fabric makes my cock throb. I need to touch her, I need to taste her, but more than anything, I need to be buried balls deep inside her heaven.
    Grabbing the lace, I tear it easily from her body as my eyes drink her in. She’s even more beautiful than I imagined. Her hips raise towards my hand as my fingers glide over her perfectly manicured pussy and she whimpers when my thumb circles her clit. I slide one of my fingers effortlessly inside her. I love how ready she is for me. She’s perfect. Everything about this woman is damn perfect.
    Kissing my way over her abdomen, I don’t stop until I’m settled between her thighs. Then I push her legs towards her torso, opening her up for me. I need to see her.
    ‘You’re beautiful,’ I whisper as my mouth bears down on her magnificent pussy. She tastes sweet, just like I knew she would.
    ‘Brock,’ she whimpers, tugging on her restraints. I love hearing her say my name like that. I want to hear her scream it when I make her come. ‘I need to touch you.’ That will have to wait. I’m not stopping until she comes all over my face.
    Moments later, her body starts to tremble and her head thrashes from side to side, and I know she’s close.
    ‘Yes, that’s it. Come for me, beautiful,’ I demand against her sensitive flesh.
    ‘Oh, Brock,’ she screams as her orgasm takes hold. That’s what I wanted to hear.
    Makingmy way back up her delicious body, I kiss her as my hands go to work at untying her from the bedhead. I’m craving her touch. The second she’s free, her hands fist in my hair as she pulls my lips closer to hers.
    ‘Thank you,’ she whispers into my mouth, and her words touch my heart for some reason. I’m not sure if she’s thanking me for untying her, or for the incredible orgasm I just gave her. Either way, I feel like I’m the one who should be saying thank you.
    Reaching across the bed, I open the bedside drawer to retrieve the box of condoms I know will be in there. Staying in the penthouse suite comes with perks. It was one of the requests I made the first time I stayed here a few years ago. I’ve noticed every time since, the suite is always stocked with my preferences: my favourite scotch; the kind of snacks I like to eat; even right down to the brand of shampoo I use.
    Leaning back on my haunches, I tear open the foil packet with my teeth. Jade’s exquisite green eyes follow my every move.
    ‘Are you okay?’ I ask once I’m settled between her legs again. I’m dying to be inside her, but I’m still concerned about her little freak-out earlier.
    ‘I’m wonderful,’ she replies, tenderly stoking the side of my face. ‘I’m more than wonderful.’ Her sweet words make me smile. This woman is something else.
    Lining myself up with her opening, I take one more glance at her face to make sure she really is all right. I’d hate to do anything she’s not ready for. She’s smiling when she pulls my face forwards. Resting my forehead on hers, I gaze into her eyes as the head of my cock slides inside her.
    ‘Sweet Jesus,’ I groan the second I push all the way in.
    ‘Brock,’she whispers as her eyes drift closed. Hearing her utter my name so

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