Sweet Spot: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Summer Book 2)

Free Sweet Spot: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Summer Book 2) by KB Winters

Book: Sweet Spot: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Summer Book 2) by KB Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: KB Winters
Tags: baseball romance, Bad Boy Sports Romance
not even turning around to look outside. I had no idea how much time had passed since I’d crossed the street, following my nose to the hotel. For all I knew, it could be midnight and pitch black out there.
    Trey laughed. “I’m pretty sure it is. Come on, let me walk you over there. I wouldn’t feel right just letting you go.”
    I narrowed my eyes at him. “All right, but you’re not coming in for a nightcap or a coffee or anything, so don’t even try.”
    He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”
    He took my elbow and steered me away from the booth. We walked in step with one another and both sighed as we left the side exit and stepped out into the crisp night air. “Man, I could get used to this cool air.”
    Trey laughed. “Tell me about it. Is Oklahoma City always like living in a sweat sock?”
    “Yup. Pretty much. The weather report might as well just say sticky, with a chance of sweltering .”
    Trey laughed and I smiled along, loving his thick, rumbling tone. It wrapped around me and made it hard not to lean against him. I wanted to feel the way the vibrations would run over his chest.
    I blinked away the mental image and straightened my spine and threw my shoulders back. “You’ll get used to it.”
    “I don’t know. You’re from Texas. You’re more adept to the humidity than me. I got spoiled out in SoCal. I lived right on the fuckin’ beach. The sounds of the ocean, the nice breezes. Damn…”
    I glanced up at the sudden change in his tone. His jaw was set and a twitch played at the muscle there. He shrugged it away and relaxed but for a moment, I’d seen past the wall of confidence and assurance and caught a glimpse of something else. Something dark.
    “We have some really nice lakes, though. It’s not the ocean, but it can be a nice day trip if you need a break from the city,” I offered.
    He looked down at me and I fully realized the difference between us in height. He had to be at least ten inches taller than me. I would fit perfectly, tucked away under one of his sculpted arms. “That could work. When do you wanna go?”
    I laughed. “You never quit, huh?”
    He chuckled. “Nah. It’s not really my style. I was just thinking it might be the best shot at getting you in a bikini.”
    “Hah!” I laughed along but my entire body quivered and lit up at the suggestion and the look in his eyes as he said it. We paused at the crosswalk, waiting for the signal to change, and our laughter faded as our eyes locked.
    “You’re a beautiful woman, Josie,” he said, his voice a husky, seductive whisper.
    I shivered again and he wrapped an arm around me.
    “Cold?” he asked.
    “Just a little,” I lied. In reality, every dang inch of me was on fire. Being wrapped in his arm, tucked against his rock solid chest was just like I’d imagined minutes before. Only better…so much better. The scent of his deodorant or aftershave clung to his shirt and enveloped me. Pine and citrus. Fresh and spicy. Absolutely delicious. I could only imagine how it would mix with sweat and sex.
    Trey was carved perfection. Even without seeing what was underneath his tee shirt and relaxed fit jeans, I knew he was impressive. Pressed against his chest, images passed before my eyes. Trey’s lips on mine. His fingers brushing against my jaw and then getting lost, tangling up in my long hair. The way he’d feel hovering over me. The look in his eyes as he entered me. The way his cock would feel. The sound of his name on my lips, echoing through the room.
    My heart raced at the images, each one more intoxicating than the last. I squeezed my thighs together, fighting away the pressure building between them. I tried—and failed—to remind myself of all the news stories detailing Trey’s history of bad behavior. I tried to argue with myself that he was only after one damn thing. And that he’d use me up and throw me away like a piece of trash.
    None of my arguments could rip away the sexy images flashing through my

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