Done Being Friends

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Book: Done Being Friends by Trisha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trisha Grace
operation, her hands would shiver and she would start sobbing. She had to take her mind off her father and allowing her mind roam, she thought of the one person who could always make her smile, Zac.  
    When Zac had walked through the hospital doors, her heart had instantly lightened and she had felt herself breathing easier. He had always been able to calm her down and make her feel secure.  
    Each time she was in his arms, with his strong arms encasing her, she felt protected; have absolute trust that he would protect her from everything bad in the world.  
    As she drove on, the city started to fade out, and streets of mansions appeared. The change in scenery indicated that she was on the right track home, so Faith continued to dwell on her thoughts of Zac.
    Though upset, Faith noticed his obvious change. He was sweet and his eyes never left her, even though Dylan was right there with them in the room.  
    Zac was always sweet to her whenever they were alone but never when Dylan was around. Whenever Dylan was around, he would always step aside and let them talk or hang out without ever stepping in. He would only give short and sometimes, curt replies.  
    Faith never understood why but assumed that he was trying to maintain his playboy image in front of Dylan. She never liked it, but she never questioned Zac.  
    Yet last night, his eyes never left her. She was certain that Dylan saw the difference too. Faith could sense his stares on both of them, but neither of them said a word. Well, at least, not in front of her.
    The corner of her lips turned up as she thought about how he was behaving. Perhaps...perhaps he finally decided that he is done being just friends.
    It was nice to hope. Faith broke into a small smile as she thought of the possibilities, of always having his arms around her, of him leaning down to kiss her. She was so engrossed in her little make belief when she pulled into the driveway that she almost flew right past Jessica.
    Jessica’s jet black curly hair was tied back into a bun and judging from her office attire of suit and pants, Faith knew it wasn’t a social visit. The Jessica standing in the driveway was the Preston Company’s attorney.
    Suddenly, the words that Zac had said the night before echoed in her thoughts. There will be hell in your father’s office...
    Please God, do not let that be true. Faith stepped out of her car and narrowed her eyes at Jessica.  
    Jessica ignored the chagrin and suspicions on Faith’s face and gave her a tight hug. “I’m so sorry about your dad.”  
    “He will be fine.” Faith wasn’t sure if she said it out of well, faith, or because she needed to hear those words to ease the uncertainty that was bubbling and threatening to spill over.
    Then taking a step back, Jessica handed over the newspaper, which she was holding, into Faith’s hands.
    Faith took the papers from her hands and turned toward the house. “Walk with me.” Faith gestured toward the house and strode forward. She needed a bath and a change of clothes. If things were to be as bad as what Zac and Dylan had believed, then she had better not waste any more time.  
    Though, if what they said were true, she had no idea how she was going to solve it anyway, but she was never one who would sit around and mope. She had to do something.
    Taking a deep breath, she braced herself for the headlines. ‘ Preston’s Fate Lies With Young Heiress ’
    “Faith, I am here to inform you that your father has appointed you with the power to control everything in the company if anything ever happened to him.” Her all-professional voice made the announcement sound nothing more than normal routine work.
    Nevertheless, Jessica’s statement drew Faith’s eyes from the newspaper.
    Faith stopped at the door that George had already opened for them. Her father had told her in passing about this, but she had never really given it much thought. Without even reading the article, she closed it, knowing that it

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