Done Being Friends

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Book: Done Being Friends by Trisha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trisha Grace
was probably some derogatory article about her and the definite doom of the company in her hands.
    Not getting any reply to the prior statement that she had made, Jessica continued. “Did your father ever mention it to you?”
    “Yes,” Faith paused for a second before continuing in a whisper, “I just never thought that the day would come.”
    Even as she spoke the words, the finality of the situation seemed so depressing that she felt all her breath being sucked out of her. An uncontrollable slight shiver reverberated down her skin. She drew in a rugged breath and bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from bursting into tears.
    Tears wouldn’t help. It was inefficient and it wasn’t the time for her to behave like a crybaby. It was time for the exact opposite; it was time to grow up.
    As Faith stepped in through the door, she shut her eyes and pushed her fringe back behind her ears. Taking the moment to gather her thoughts and regain her composure. She wasn’t going to be a coward, her father had supported her cause throughout the years, and now, he needed her. She wasn’t going to cower into a hole and hide. That was the least she could do.
    “And...” Jessica hesitated.  
    This is bad . Faith opened her eyes and looked at Jessica, letting her know that she could continue, that Faith wouldn’t go running away or faint from the overwhelming news.
    Jessica nodded, pursed her lips into a thin line and continued, “And in light of recent events, the board has arranged for a meeting this afternoon at two.”  
    Faith didn’t really see what could be so terrible about a board meeting but judging from Jessica’s face, it was going to be a battle. She took a quick glance at her watch; the meeting was just a few hours to go. She didn’t have much time.
    “I am going to take a bath and while I do that, can you call Chelsea to get ready to brief me on all the things my father needs to do and the appointments that he has to go? Then ask her to get me the project managers. I need a summary of what is going on and what to expect.”  
    Chelsea was her father’s loyal assistant, and she would know about what was happening in the office. Faith prayed silently, hoping that Chelsea’s loyalties to her father would now be transferred to her, for she definitely needed all the help she could get.
    Jessica smiled. “Your father always knew he could count on you.”
    Faith gave a wry smile and nodded but what she really wanted to do was laugh. She had no idea why her father would choose to leave the company in her hands. She had never worked a day in her life and besides whatever she had learnt from the textbooks; she had no idea what to expect in the business world.   Then, there was Jessica. Standing right before her, telling her that her father knew she could be trusted.  
    She felt as though she was stuck in some charade, with everyone pretending that she was some capable and experienced business woman who could deal with any situation.  
    Even as Faith trotted up the stairs, her mood was shifting in the opposite direction. She was slipping down into a downward spiral and she knew it. Voices screamed in her head, telling her that she would utterly fail, destroying all the efforts her father had put into the company and disappoint everyone around her.  
    By the time she got to the top of the stairs, the voices had taken a stronghold in her heart and mind, and she stood where she was, completely paralyzed with fear.  
    Faith took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. There was no point in standing there and letting all her insecurities and worries drown her. God, help me.
    Letting out a sigh, she forced a smile back on her face. It’s a good day. I will be fine. Everyone will be fine. Everything will be fine. I need to brush up on my vocabulary, but besides that, everything else is fine and under control.
    “George, coffee for Miss Kane and a cup for myself,” she called out, not knowing exactly where

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