Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3)

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Book: Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3) by Sadie Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Carter
peace. To at least check on his mate.
    Instead, she had tried to convince him that duty required him elsewhere and that it was a waste of his time to sit here where he could do nothing.
    A waste of his time!
    He hadn’t allowed her back since. If she couldn’t accept Zoey then perhaps it was time for him to consider whether he should remain here. The pomp and ceremony of the palace was tiresome, his duties endless and unfulfilling, and now he was discovering that his family was cold and unfeeling.
    “When she is well enough to travel, I am taking her back to Earth.”
    “What?” Thor asked as Koran just stared at him.
    “I can stay here no longer. Zoey has tried her best to get along with my family and all they can do is try to push us apart. My father will not listen to me about any of the changes I wish to implement. Our people are growing disenchanted. They are tired of the way we have isolated our planet. Our warriors grow restless. But will he listen? No. And my mother cares more about her image and reputation than she does her son’s mate. I cannot stay here.”
    Thor let out a deep breath. “I understand.”
    Koran nodded as well. “You will give us enough warning so that we might gather our things before we leave?”
    “What are you talking about?” Dex asked.
    Koran and Thor looked at each other then turned to him. “You did not think to leave us behind?” Thor queried.
    “You would come with us?”
    Thor nodded.
    “As would I,” Koran added.
    “Neither of you can come with me. Your home is here.”
    Thor and Koran glanced at each other. “We agree that things need to change,” Thor told him. “What if our mate is human? How will we even meet her? If things do not change on Zerconia, then we have no choice but to leave.”
    “We go where you go, Dex,” Koran added loyally. “If you need to leave then we go with you.”
    Giz stirred from where he lay sleeping at the bottom of her bed. Koran laid his hand on his head and scratched. “Has the little guy eaten yet?”
    Dex shook his head. “No, I have tried and so has Boris.”
    “I still do not understand how she came into contact with a qola,” Koran stated.
    Dex didn’t understand it either. But the how didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting Zoey better.
    “Why won’t she wake up?” he asked again with frustration as he took a seat across from Koran.
    Thor sighed, staring down at Zoey with a perplexed look.
    “I do not know why she is not responding. If I could consult with an Earther healer, perhaps that would help, but all of my requests have gone unanswered.”
    “I can sense her through our bond, but it is like she is a long way away.”
    “Try calling to her,” Koran said suddenly. “Try talking to her through the bond.”
    Dex frowned. “Talking to her?”
    “It cannot hurt to try,” Thor added.
    “I will do anything to bring her back.”
    Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath then let it out slowly. “Zoey. Zoey, can you hear me?”
    Zoey yawned as she swam lazily through deep, blue water of the lagoon. Surrounded on all sides by a lush jungle, she knew she was safe from discovery.
    Diving deep, she delighted in the brightly colored fish swimming around her. She’d never gone skinny dipping before. It was almost deliciously naughty. She felt decadent and a bit risqué.
    Zoey felt carefree, unencumbered. “Zoey, where are you?”
    She burst out of the water. Weirdly, despite how long she had been underwater, she wasn’t gasping for breath. She shrugged and floated on her back, glancing up at the bright sky.
    “Zoey!” There was a note of tension in the voice and she frowned. “Zoey, talk to me. Without your help, I cannot locate you.”
    She knew that voice, it tugged at her memory. But did she want to remember? But the voice sounded so insistent.
    “Please, Zoey. I don’t want to lose you. Mate, I love you.”
    Mate. I love you.
    Zoey closed her eyes and allowed her memory to drift back. A

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